Anwar vs Shabery


1) Oil price can be reduce 50 cents start from tomorrow if they form goverment.

2) Where the money come from:

a) Just need 3 billion compare to save Perwaja Steel (13 billion)
b) 2 billion from IPP leakage whereby TENAGA excess electricity is at 40 %
c) another 1 billion from Petronas

1) Only know compare with Venezuala (10 cents petrol price) and Inflation (33 %)

2) Compare with Norway with less subsidy, can not compare cos one is apple and the other one is durian - How to compare?

3) Don't know how to answer question, people ask what have gomen done to improve public transport with the money save from 30 cents petrol increment in 2006. He talk about food price. I guess he will fail in SPM Malays paper.
4) The gomen now very open cos have this open debate. If you are not scared of Anwar power, will you have open debate??? Talk nonsense.
5) If gomen have this kind debate, please present some facts to rakyat. Don't think we are BODOH.
6) Now Anwar already show the figure will gomen follow what he suggest?
What RAKYAT care?
1) Petrol price down. ( down 10 cents also happy liao)
2) Inflation down. ( char kuey tiow will down from 4.00 to 3.00)
3) If Anwar can reduce 50 cents why current gomen can not.
Just copy his idea. Why still not happen?

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