Wah, what happen to today listing of Perwaja IPO, From RM 2.90 drop to RM 2.53.
What happen to all the 1st day power of IPO listing?
I thought steel is in supercycle as quoted by OSK.
What went wrong?
As a minority shareholder, I really kena kau kau from all the analyst.
OSK even put fair value as RM 4.90.
Buy what also died.
Will our KLSE marching to 1000 points?
Will you buy now?
You ask me, I ask who.
Current support at 1050.
Events to monitor:
a) Budget 2009
b) Permatang Pauh By-Election
c) I know what you did in PD.
d) Petrol price on 1st of September.
e) Tonight debate between Lim and Koh.