Here I come 1000

Wah, today is 916, but nothing happened so far. It is not the 3 magnum magic number or any stock quote. It is a day of Light after the Dawn in Malaysia Politic. I hate ISA (Ikut Suka Aku).

KLSE approaching 1011 at the time of writing. With Lehman brother declare bankruptcy, and Bank America buying Merill Lynn, what next?

Citi ??? AIG???

Your guess is as good as mine.

Let fasten our seat belt and wait for change.

Change for better.

Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest US investment bank, succumbed to the subprime mortgage crisis it helped create in the biggest bankruptcy filing in history. Lehman filed for bankruptcy yesterday after Barclays and Bank Of America abandoned talks to acquire Lehman. Instead, Bank of America is buying Merrill Lynch in a US$50bn (US$1 = RM3.45) deal. Meanwhile, American International Group Inc (AIG) will be allowed to use US$20bn of assets held by its subsidiaries to provide cash needed for the troubled insurer to stay in business, New York Governor David Paterson said yesterday. (Malaysian Reserve)

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