I guess this is the POWER of MARKETING STraTeGy which attract me to go and click on their website, NOT ONE TIME but A FEW TIME. only One package is RM 156 (they are following the rules and regulations of advertisement), the rest is tak ada. R U THE LUCKY ONE.Maybe I should have a contest for those who can draw the highest traffic to my blog can won an 42" LCD worth RM4599.I don't think so.
Air Asia - From 156?
I guess this is the POWER of MARKETING STraTeGy which attract me to go and click on their website, NOT ONE TIME but A FEW TIME. only One package is RM 156 (they are following the rules and regulations of advertisement), the rest is tak ada. R U THE LUCKY ONE.Maybe I should have a contest for those who can draw the highest traffic to my blog can won an 42" LCD worth RM4599.I don't think so.