Free Flight and Cheap Hotel Rate- AirAsia

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Holiday season in crisis as Thai tourism plummets
SAMUI, Thailand: The palm-fringed island of Samui normally fills up for the holidays, but what stands out these days is its emptiness.
The sprawling Tongsai Bay resort, where guests are shuttled around in golf carts, has reduced hours for staff and even installed lower-wattage light bulbs to reduce electricity bills to cut costs amid the slowdown, said assistant manager Chonlatee Nakamadee.
"We can't believe how quiet it is here,'' said Karen Jack, a 37-year-old secretary from London.

"There's been a couple of nights when we've been the only people in the restaurant.''
The hangover from political unrest including an eight-day blockade of Bangkok's airport is not going away: Cancelations are pouring in from around the world - just as the high season is starting and the economy is slowing amid the global financial meltdown.
Tourism authorities predict business will be worse next year than after the tsunami in December 2004.

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