Top 10 Stocks to buy on 2009

Source: OSK
Just to upload this photo, it waste me 30 minutes, Dial up memang boleh. I am looking forward to have broadband on 1st month of 2009. Have a wonderful weekend. I have a lot of visitor come from us to know about this tips. Not to dissapoint them, here are the top 7 US stock (BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK):
1) Yahoo! Inc (YHOO) (Seller and Buyer Effect)
Current price $12.34
52 week High-Low: $30.25 - $8.94
2) AIG (Bailout)
Current Price: $1.57
52Wk High:59.42
52Wk Low:1.25
3) CitiGroup (Bailout)
Current price: 7.14 +0.43 (6.41%) Jan 2 4:01pm ET
52Wk High:29.89
52Wk Low:3.05
4) Goldman Sach (Buffet's effect)
5) General Motor Corp (Obama's effect)
6) ConocoPhillips (Buffet's effect, the second-largest US refiner)
7) General Electric Co (Buffet's effect)

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