Yes Man 2008

I like to watch movie because it provoke me to think. This "YES MAN", I watched yesterday. Sometimes life is full of routine and we are used to say "NO". This movie revealed the power of "YES" which can bring GOOD from BAD. Maybe our life should be more than the usual 9 to 5 routine and add some "spontaneous" to spice up our life. By saying YES, he start to embrace life by taking up korean language class, flight class, guitar class (he help a man from suicide because of guitar) and helping homeless people. The funny part is at the end of the movie, all the people are naked or nude. WHY? Go and watch the movielah.

Movie Summary:
Carl Allen (Jim Carey) is at a standstill. No future... Until the day he enrolls into a personal development program based on a very simple idea: say yes to everything! Carl discovers with amazement the magical power of "Yes", and sees his professional and romantic life turned upside down overnight: an unexpected promotion and a new girlfriend. But he'll soon discover that better can be good's enemy, and that all opportunities shouldn't be taken.

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