If you want to earn money from stock market, you must:
a) Buy Low Sell High
b) Earn More than You Lost
Can common/normal people do this?
Common people always:
a) Buy High Sell Low
When the share maket is very bad, how many people dare to buy stock. Example when KLSE at 850 points, nobody dare to buy. Now KLCI is at 1200 points, everyone go in and buy share. So normally we will Buy High and Sell Low.
b) Earn Little and Lost more
When we choose a share which lost a lot, we will say is long term investment.
This one really reflect on me example: I bought DPS at 60 cents, now drop to 15 cents. I always comfort myself is long term investment. Ha ha ha. Another 2 months to go before 2009 say bye bye. How was your investment so far?
Authors suggest farmer seeding method.
More to come.
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