Celcom Broadband vs Maxis Broadband

Celcom - 68 per month up to 384 kbps
USB Modem -  RM 199
Fair Usage - 3 GB    5 GB

Maxis - 78 per month up to 3.6 Mbps
- rebate for 12 months RM 10 if you are maxis handphone user
- rebate for 12 months RM 10 if you use credit card debit
At the end RM 58 per month
USB Modem - rent
Fair Usage - 2.5 GB

P1 Wimax - RM 49 per month up to 400 kbps
Fair Usage - 5 GB

In the end, I still think TM streamyx is the best, more stable and RM 60 - 384 kbps (Combo Package).

What do you think???

Cos I want to POTONG but no coverage.

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Celcom Broadband fair usage is 5GB. And FYI, even after you reached the 5GB limit, you can easily reset the broadband and get back the full speed. I use the 384kbps package and I download 1.5GB everyday.

Thank you for your correction.

How to reset???

Kam sia.