I think you are not worth to be a historian or prof emeritus.

Prof Khoo Kay Kim, no doubt you are historian, but your credibility is another story. If you are labelling Malaysia Chinese educated student is lack of creativity, competitiveness and copycat, I would ask you to retract your statement and think again.
Every school in Malaysia is monitored by Ministry of Education Malaysia, no difference whether you are from Chinese, Tamil or Malay medium. Again, is M.E.D.I.U.M. differences, not the education system. So, who set the syllabus and system? As a historian yourself, you should know it better: is the ministry.
DPM said he wanted his ministry to learn and look into Chinese medium school for their success in UPSR, even though previously he want to implement teaching of Sci and Maths in Malay language (For WTF?). Okay, Prof you opposed DPM and said that Chinese Medium school only producing “copycats”. As an educator yourself, you are well-known that Copycats and plagiarism is everywhere, or else we don’t need anti-plagiarism software like Turnitin to detect plagiarism globally. Again, this is not a Malaysian made software for anti-plagiarism in Malaysia. Perhaps you are too old to know the existence of the software.
If you do have statistics showing Chinese Medium is more “copycat” than the other with the P-value <0.05, prove it too me. Ops, I forget you are a historian and never a Statistics and you can’t understand what a P-value is. You might be good in digging old-times shit under the graveyard, but you never good in analytical thinking and just a merely bullshitter, mainly because you are another surviving old-chaps who witness some “twisted” history.
In terms of innovation and creativity as well as well-known scientist, you said that there is little or none from Chinese medium, so how much is from Malay medium? Name it. You yourself even “memorized” history facts and not even a scientist although you are never a Chinese medium educated. Yes, based on you as a role model, I can conclude that non-Chinese medium banana like you are good in “twisted logic”, “misleading” and “perceptional bias” can’t I?
Also, if you want to suggest a single-education-system, why not you suggest using international standards like British education system so that Malaysian is on-par with global developed countries. I have no objections if you say so.
You said Chinese Medium school students can’t table with other races, well this is another bullshit. I have seen mix-cultures exchange food together, and even went to bed together. I have been roommate with other races, so as many of your undergraduates.
Afterall, the main issue is the sickening education syllabus that produces the rubbish students, never the medium. Prof, you should address the education system, not the medium. Unified education system if is produced by Morons who only sits inside the ministry and never send their kids to local school, will always be a failure.
Original article: http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2009-11-24&sec=mas&art=1124mc30.txt
Source: http://kohadrianus.wordpress.com/2009/11/24/profkhoo/