Let look at Bjtoto Call Warrants

Based on the below ANALYSIS, I will BUY BJTOTO - CF, more valueble buy.

Bjtoto have 3 call warrant listed in Bursa, namely Bjtoto- CD, CE and CF.

Bjtoto Mother now: 4.18

Let Look at it One by One:
BJTOTO 1562CD Current price: 0.065 , 0.065 * 3.7327 + 4.3867 = 4.63 ( WAH EXPENSIVE)

BJTOTO-CD Launch Date: 22/01/2009 Maturity: 19/07/2010 Lauch Price: MYR 0.245 Convertion: MYR 4.3867   Ratio: 3.7327 : 1.0000 CIMB -

BJTOTO 1562CE Current price: 0.075 , 0.075 * 9.33 + 4.20 = 4.90 (Damn  EXPENSIVE)

BJTOTO-CE Launch Date: 04/02/2009 Maturity: 29/07/2010 Lauch Price:MYR 0.105
Convertion:4.2000 Ratio: 9.3300 : 1.0000 OSK - -

BJTOTO 1562CF Current price: 0.145 , 0.145 * 3 + 4.00 = 4.44 ( Consider Reasonable)

BJTOTO-CF Launch Date:11/12/2009 Maturity:28/02/2011 Lauch Price:MYR 0.150 Convertion: MYR 4.0000 Ratio: 3.0000 : 1.0000 CIMB Bank - -

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But take note BJtoto-cf warrant is European style warrant and you can ONLY exercise on maturity. BJtoto-cd and Bjtoto-ce is American style and can exercise anytime it is in the money. So on maturity will Bjtoto-cf in the money or out of money?

I will not wait until maturity loh.

If price is right, then sell loh.

Why keep???