MBF Cards offers savings to card users

Very good deal - everyone that have balance in other credit card should transfer. The best promotion is 6 % only but THIS ONE EVEN BETTER AT 0%.

You did it MBF, let us do it.

Written by The Edge Financial Daily
Monday, 21 December 2009 22:48

KUALA LUMPUR: MBF Cards is offering credit cardholders a balance transfer at 0% interest for 12 months and instant savings of RM1,200 along with subsidised credit card service tax of RM50, effective Jan 1, 2010.

The credit card issuer said in a release on Dec 21, that its offer would mean cardholders starting the new year with an unlikely proposition of savings, even after expenses incurred during the festive season and the new school term.

“This is a revolutionary campaign, and possibly the first of its kind in the world,” said MBF Cards senior vice-president Rajjish Verronn. “Balance transfer actually extends into a credit-free facility for one year, allowing card members the flexibility to use, repay partially or in full, and reuse that credit on the card up to the approved balance transfer amount at zero interest.”

For example, if the balance transfer amount approved under the campaign is RM7,500 and if the card member chooses to settle that card’s outstanding amount in full in the second month, the card member will have the option to utilise and reuse up to RM7,500 on the card at zero interest for the remaining 10 months.

MBF card members essentially save money when they use the card for daily expenses and to pay bills, the card issuer said in the statement. A convoy of three cars outfitted in vibrant green and the campaign logo is promoting the offer in and around shopping and residential districts of the Klang Valley until end-February 2010.

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