Regretion on Buying 1st Property??

I personally think that this article is useful cos I plan to invest in real estate soon/or before year end to rush for 50 % S & P waiver. Currently looking at Sg long apartment.

投資致富 2009-12-06 12:16





































































Google translate:

Most of us will regret for 1st time buying property

Your first investment real estate experience?

a. satisfaction with the smooth

b. ordinary, but did not make money

c. regret, feeling the wrong choice

d. the unpleasant experience of

According to a survey lectures as much as 90% of people buying real estate in the first sense of dissatisfaction or regret, because nothing more is: buy a build fail, be deceived, to lose money ... ... why more than half of industrial investment be profitable? The key is attitude. No money can be solved, not the brain can take no means entirely hopeless heart, so the attitude determines the success rate of your investment.

Want to make industrial investment and "revived", it is time to change the attitude of buying real estate in ... ...

Investment has three kinds of people: It is the brain no money, no brain money, no brain no money, what kind of person you want to be? Amcity Capital Limited Principal Consultant ZHENG Shui-hing, in the "first step we must make real estate investment," the seminar will be blunt, whether you have the brain not the brain, these few years may be the golden age of investment in industry, whether you have money or not, in fact, Or you can start investing.

He stressed that, owning the biggest mistake is to understand it, but just muddle their way to ask a smattering of knowledge of the people, the worst situation is deceived, even by the industry, making it a, can not be carried away with the victory, not to mistake to believe that the fate of random grounds luck!

"Before buying any industry will generally add value, are not necessarily, but one thing is always a good opportunity to leave a prepared people."

In a nutshell, Xueyibujing No wonder the people, it is time to pack the public mood, to learn from the following error ... ...

Fallacy 1: cheap like

Corrected: The cheapest is not necessarily the best choice

"Industry market value in its value, buying industry certainly has the potential to buy the best appreciation of the industry."

ZHENG Shui-hing mentioned, find the location, always looking for the best, expensive does not matter, should not have considered the "cost" as the main investment principles.

He noted that many people buying real estate in the first when they think it is very cheap to buy the industry, in fact, even if only 10 million ringgit do not necessarily have to be limited to within that number, you can also buy a one million ringgit industry, the most important thing is to whether the location is convenient.

In addition, he said the industry's growing gap between the highest and the lowest distant, the key is to create the unique nature of the developer, for example, developers in places where tall buildings built five storey shop, pushing up industrial value.

Fallacy 2: home products, such as "shopping"

Corrected: buying real estate investment

ZHENG Shui-hing noted that the improper industrial investment as a business is the idea of people wrong, if regarded as business, they want to how to engage in big business, such as back pay 5% of the industry, for investors, low, Why not look at 7 percent returns of the industry?

He admits, many of the failure of middle-class home, the reason does not know what to buy, buy I do not know why, because not to buy a house as a business to run, cause any aimlessly to buy the wrong industry, in fact, even if they live or The first houses could be seen as an investment and business heart of dollars to buy the "Golden House" to see what can health money?

He also mentioned that today's investment world's most popular topic is achieved through a real estate investment retirement plan, generally make investment of up to 15-year period, which means that if 35 to 50 years of age, not invest in industry, then you have not succeeded.

Nevertheless, the "investment industry is not necessarily to make money, but also not easy to make big money" This is a famous modern shopping malls can not be ignored.

Fallacy 3: The money which can invest?

Corrected: money to invest, more money to invest in

ZHENG Shui-hing, said it was the biggest mistake everyone, in fact, will always have a lot of investment options, as long as the frugal life, the courage to dare to borrow money, to have industry, not a dream.

He suggested that people may wish to use "other people" money to invest in 2 to 3% of the loan interest rate loan is absolutely positive, because the investment industry, could reach as high as 10% of their profits.

"However, the purchase of industry is very important start, the first house, if the initial error, will cause great shadow, people must set a target of buying real estate."

How do I start? He admits, must first understand themselves and take a firm starting point, the courage to dare to take, and then use knowledge and information, decisive decision-making to decide their fate.

For the loans, he noted that investors often commit the general mistake is not established credit personal loans, banks will only lend money to the rich, not sure why people lend money for productive bad, should have minimized the risk of capacity.

He suggested that people learn to establish credit, including not to abuse borrowing, on-time repayment, because the most sensitive credit card debt, establish contacts, savings, fixed deposits accounts.

He stressed that talks are profound learning how to negotiate with the banks is also very important to understand with the bank since the war, but also know how to make friends with the bank to persuade the banks of their investments can make money, start actually be able to buy up to 100 million or 10 million ringgit industry.

"Successful investors never know how to facilitate the establishment of financing and credit, and buying real estate in the use of the banking system."

Fallacy 4: feelings to make decisions

Correct: to be rational analysis

Home products generally involve brokers and developers, very often they may have no intention to deceive, but to an entry point to mislead the masses, therefore, investors must have a clear head, can not let too much about the private emotional purchasing decisions.

ZHENG Shui-hing, said sub-image often leads to a wrong decision, before the industrial goods that many developers do not do it because the people into the exhibition hall on the easily confused, such as the purchase of sectors, such as showing that the industry as gorgeous and spacious, but it ignores the actual area, the results after two years to get a house when understood why.

In addition, he mentioned that the first time the people buying real estate, it is very easy to commit emotional decision-making errors, for example, to get married and buy a house, or for a delightful, such as the purchase close to the father-in-Yue Mujia industries, and thus ignore the potential and make money opportunities.

He felt that if people are ready no problem, but if the industry "fresh" and recommended that the first rent for the wonderful, and at least first select their favorite locations, and then consider the value of the estate.

Fallacy 5: decision-making rely on others

Corrected: own analysis

ZHENG Shui-hing, said successful investors must know how to study the industry and know how to determine the reliability of the information, even though a friend bought their own have to do the same analysis to understand this area of the supply and demand conditions.

He said that the buying industry must be very familiar with this area of market value can not be completely ignorant, blindly follow the trend.

He admits, investors need more knowledge production, the public investment in the commercial production often make mistakes because of the lack of clear investment strategies and commercial production of efficient investigation.

"Investors do not care how much someone else loss, how much profit, only care about themselves can earn much, the key then is under a lot of work themselves."

Fallacy 6: Excessive decoration and unnecessary overhead

Correct: It is not the number of size, is a worthwhile question

ZHENG Shui-hing, frankly, industries do not have to in order to bring out the value of your decor, simple decoration can also highlight the market, investors need to know how the budget spending, as well as analysis of costs, not indiscriminately throwing money at.

For example, he once saw a friend of 20 million ringgit to buy a house, but take up to 30 million ringgit for decoration, in fact, if the renovation, the industry is still only 20 million ringgit, they can only sell 20 million ringgit.

Fallacy 7: improper management

Correct: Investment must first learn how to do the landlord

ZHENG Shui-hing, bluntly, to make a pot of gold in industry, first and foremost to learn how to be a good landlord? Management is an important part of investing, how to rent an efficient and to deal with the decoration of free time will affect the value of the estate.

"Industrial investment is a business, with an industry does not mean a lifetime to buy the hen that laid golden eggs, we must carefully seek personal gain, trying to add value to industries during the period of the lease in order to sell a good price."

He cited an example, there was a landlord, because the tenant owed rent and utilities, after a huge bunk, and result in tragic lose; also due to sign the lease did not pay attention to the results caught Term would not work, people can not catch the dilemma of .
"Investors have a thorough understanding of leasing, since leasing and investment go hand in hand."

He also mentioned that the industry must rent in order to avoid becoming a negative equity, while the rental rates determine the net sales profit of the industry, industry profits in turn depends on the price of rental and leasing market, supply and demand, industry project investment options are taken from a tenant objects choice.

He stressed, in particular, commercial production, the rent value is very important to know who is leased to be able to achieve better value, we must know how to attract business come.

He further analysis, shopping center square feet the price and management style, if 10 people were pro-industry, own ax to grind, everyone should be the maximum rent a result, tenants would prefer to go do shopping center operations, the results we all can not be rented .

He suggested that the common management of the "name brand" are bringing in a fair way to share the industry's rental income.

For example, he is free leased to McDonald's, not only to attract people to come to open tutorial centers, it may in turn attract a convenience store to come, so that rents are increasing.

He stressed that the value related to the survival of the industry, investors know how to add value to industries if it successfully, but considering the objective factors, the absolute change their destiny.

Fallacy 8: social circle shrinks

Correct: You can not ignore the investment team

ZHENG Shui-hing, stressed that investment in communication networks are indispensable factors, need to know in a very small circle of space limitations, margins will be reduced.

Network of industrial investment categories, including direct networks: an intermediary who, appraisers, auction officials, developers; professional network: lawyers, bankers, engineers, architects, fung shui master; Investment Network: clubs, associations, industry organizations.

He added that through exchanges, will help people find reliable lawyers, architects, brokers, etc., while in the learning process may also be inspired by others.

In addition, investors generally ignored the importance of investment in education, it is more as the investment in the first fatal injury."

Fallacy 9: Short-Sightedness
Correct: Expanding income

ZHENG Shui-hing, said that if the purchase is the stand-alone house lots, not only as a stand-alone houses use, which lot or can be used as cemeteries, health care sites, and the release of more economic benefits.

In addition, he believes that the industry's most successful investor will have to invest in the international market, but because the currency exchange rate risk, to enter the overseas markets must grasp more knowledge.

He pointed out that China, the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, investors in industrial countries have been actively entered into the market, Malaysian investors should also open our hearts and look at the big market.
42% of the Malaysian people

Hope that the next 18 months built-in capacity

The number of worldwide industry, is expected to increase in the next five years, double the annualized growth of 13%, high tide is expected to last until 2012, while with the financial clout from the west go east, economic capital transfers from the developed country markets to developing countries markets, emerging markets, including Malaysia's industrial potential.

Data show that the nature of the global investment industry, as high as 17 trillion U.S. dollars in 2007 produced a global business transactions amounting to 759 billion U.S. dollars, of which 45% were cross-border transactions; the Global Real Estate Investment Trust Fund for up to 490, a value of 573 billion U.S. dollars; the Global Industrial Equity Fund then up to 250, a value of 81 billion U.S. dollars.

ZHENG Shui-hing, said that although economic theory, capitalism point of view, China and India are still hidden crisis, but the potential can not be a small population of Xu, while the rise of Asia, but also prompted a number of local industries and value of higher rents.

Another survey also revealed that 40% of the Chinese people want in the next 18 months built-in production in Malaysia were up 42%; 58% of the Indian families want in the next 18 months built-in production, Malaysia is 22%.

Regardless of the past, industry investment, "buried with" the number of the "funeral expenses", as long as the change in investment attitudes, will be able to Return of the Jedi, heading for the big industrial investment of the "spring."

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