Najib to witness signing of at least 13 MOUs in India

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is expected to witness no fewer than 13 memorandums of understanding (MOUs), initiated by the private sector, during his five-day visit to India, starting tomorrow. It follows his visits to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said that construction, education and information technology (IT) are among the areas which will see agreements signed in New Delhi and Chennai. State investment agency Khazanah Nasional Bhd, Petroliam Nasional Bhd, IJM Corp Bhd, Mudajaya Group Bhd, Maxis Bhd, Eversendai Corp, Scomi Group Bhd, UEM Group Bhd and the Sunway group are active players in India's property, construction, power and telecommunications sectors. The visit will enhance trade and investment between the two countries, Mustapa told Business Times in an interview. The USD10bn (RM33bn) trade is poised to expand four-fold in 10 years, he said. Mustapa was in India recently on a trade and investment mission. (BT)

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