(吉隆坡1日讯)Scomi海事有限公司(SCOMIMR, 7045,贸易服务组)和Scomi工程有限公司( SCOMIEN,7366,工业产品组)频繁的脱售活动, 已经引起市场关注是否是更大规模活动的前奏。
市场盛传,母公司Scomi集团有限公司(SCOMI, 7158,工业产品组)正考虑把上述两造全面纳入旗帜下。
也有传言指,Scomi集团正探讨脱售在Scomi海事的42. 71%股权。
无论如何,最近宣布的两项建议中资产脱售, 长期方面将加强3家公司的整体资产负债表。
在2月2日,Scomi海事宣布,它将以1亿4350万新元( 3亿3860万令吉)代价,脱售泉合近海有限公司的29.07% 股权,予Falcon能源集团。
而在3月17日, Scomi工程也透露将脱售其机械工厂予一个未公布的外资团体, 成交价达1亿1000万美元(3亿6490万令吉)。
在两项脱售中,对集团影响较大的将来自Scomi工程的脱售, 因母公司持有其69.88%股份。
假定Scomi工程利用脱售所得的全部数额减低贷款, 该集团的负债将会大幅缩小。
根据其最新资产负债表, Scomi工程的长期和短期债务分别为3328万令吉和1亿58 40万令吉。而截至去年杪, Scomi集团的短期和短期借贷则各达9亿7130万令吉和3亿 1270万令吉。
若上述数额全部用作解决债务, 它将使Scomi集团的负债由稍逾1倍降至0.8倍。
不过,上述预测将不太可能实现, 因Scomi工程将更有效利用上述资金于其海外单轨火车计划。
虽然Scomi海事的脱售将不会对Scomi集团造成太大影响, 但它也将协助降低前者的负债至0.4倍,比较原本为0.6倍。
截至去年杪, Scomi海事的长期和短期负债共为5亿5190万令吉, 而现金平衡则有4700万令吉。
不过,该公司目前仍然蒙受亏损, 在2009财政年净亏7170万令吉。
消息说:“该集团架构将在未来12个月出现提升。 该集团将可能继续脱售资产,及进一步利用资金于其运输业务。”
Scomi工程被母公司私有化的消息一直甚嚣尘上, 但由首席执行员萨哈金和拿督卡玛鲁汀控制的大股东Kaspadu 私人有限公司,如何获得融资将是一个问题。
消息称:“由于大股东的问题, Scomi集团现将有意只专注于促进其业务。 该公司刚于去年杪完成附加股发行,所筹资金将充作业务扩充用途。 ”
(Kuala Lumpur 1 News) Scomi Marine Co., Ltd. (SCOMIMR, 7045, trade services group) and Scomi Engineering Co., Ltd. (SCOMIEN, 7366, Industrial Products Group) frequent disposal activities, has caused concern about whether the market is more large-scale activities prelude.
Market rumors, the parent company Scomi Group Limited (SCOMI, 7158, Industrial Products Group) is considering a full integration between these two under the banner.
There are rumors, Scomi Group, is exploring selling off the stake in Scomi Marine's 42.71 percent.
In any case, recently announced two proposals in the disposal of assets, long-term will enhance the three aspects of the company's overall balance sheet.
In the February 2, Scomi Marine announced that it would SGD 100 000 000 43500000 (300 000 000 38600000 ringgit) costs, disposal of spring combined 29.07% stake in Offshore Ltd, to Falcon Energy Group.
In the March 17, Scomi Engineering has also revealed that the mechanical plant will be sold off to an undisclosed foreign group sold over 100 million 10 million U.S. dollars (300 million 64.9 million ringgit).
In the two off-sale, will have significant impact on the Group Scomi Engineering from the disposal, by the parent company holds 69.88% stake.
Scomi Engineering assumed the full use of disposal proceeds to reduce the amount of loans, the group's debt will be significantly reduced.
According to its latest balance sheet, Scomi Engineering's long-and short-term debt was 33.28 million ringgit and 100 million 58.4 million ringgit. Late last year, which ended, Scomi Group, is the short-term and short-term loans up to 900 million 71.3 million 12.7 million ringgit and 300 million ringgit.
If the amount of total debt as a solution, it will make Scomi Group's liabilities, from slightly more than 1 times to 0.8 times.
However, this forecast is not possible, due to Scomi Engineering will be more effective use of these funds to their overseas monorail plan.
Although Scomi Marine's disposal will not cause too much impact on the Scomi Group, but it will also help reduce the former's debt to 0.4 times, 0.6 times more original.
As of Late last year, Scomi Marine's long-term and short-term liabilities stood at 51.9 million ringgit to 500 million, while cash balance, there were 47 million ringgit.
However, the company still suffered a loss, net loss in fiscal year 2009, 71.7 million ringgit.
Message: "The group structure will appear in the next 12 months to upgrade. The group will likely continue to sell off assets, and further use of funds in its transportation business."
Scomi Engineering is the parent company has been loud and clear message of privatization, but by the Chief Executive Officer of Sakha gold 拿督卡玛鲁汀 control shareholder Kaspadu Sdn Bhd, how to obtain financing will be a problem.
Sources said: "As the largest shareholder of the problem, Scomi Group now intends to only focus on the promotion of its business. The company has just completed in Late last year, a rights issue, funds raised will provide for business expansion purposes."