OSK call warrants

5 new call warrants from OSK will be listed on 26 Aug 2010:

All offer at 0.15 cents,
All is damn expensive. KANASAI OSK.

4*0.15 = 0.60 + 2.80 = 3.40 GenM  Closing 3.05
6*0.15 = 0.9 + 3.4 =  4.30  Kossan  Closing 3.62
3*0.15* = 0.45 + 1.55 = 2.00 UEMland Closing is 1.72
6*0.15 = 0.9 + 4.10 = 5.00 Axiata Closing 4.35

New WarrantsExpirationTypeEx PriceRatio         
GENM-CO23/08/2011CallMYR 2.80004 : 1
KOSSAN-CA23/08/2011CallMYR 3.40006 : 1
UEMLAND-CC23/08/2011CallMYR 1.55003 : 1
AXIATA-CH23/08/2011CallMYR 4.10006 : 1

12000 : 1

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With the last closing price of genm at RM3.09, Genm-CO at 0.15 is selling at an implied volatility of 32.5% which does not appear to be too expensive to me. Axiata-CH and Kossan-CA at implied volatility of 42% and 53% respectively does appear expensive. Appreciate any comment.