CVM Magnesium Smelting Plant and Dolomite Quarry Operation
Meanwhile all the setting up work on its dolomite operation has been completed . CVM is planning to utilise dolomite extracted from its quarry operation in Sungai Siput, Perak as feed materials for its Magnesium Smelting plant
HWG Tin Mining Sdn Bhd
HWG Tin Mining Sdn Bhd is another subsidiry of Ho Wah Genting Berhad. HWG Tin has been awarded on May 29, 2008, a 10 year mining lease to mine for tin and other minerals on an area of 500 acres of land located in Mukim Pengkalan Hulu, Daerah Hulu Perak, with a potential for a further 500 acres as the work on the initial area progress.
Currently Ho Wah Genting is doing further testing work and Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) on the intended mining area. It is hoping that it could start mining for tin sometime in the year 2009 to 2010.
With the continuing increase in demand for tin, and the upward trend of prices of minerals and metals in recent years, the Ho Wah Group views that this new venture, which is part of the Group's diversification plan, as one of great potential.