With Fundamental and Technical Analysis COMBINED.

As far as equities have come, the debate between Fundamental and Technical Analysis has been evenly matched. With the likes of Warren Buffet leading the fundamental approach on one hand, and Turtle Traders showing us how they made billions looking at charts, it is arguable which approach to equities selection works better.

Here comes the “Expert Stock Screener” to help close the gap. This screener has been available for some time now to a select group of traders and serious investors in Asia.

This screener is special. It does not merely display publicly available information such as P/E ratios or Book Value, etc.

Fundamental Analysis Approach: This screener tells you how undervalued or overvalued the stock is – and by how much – as determined by research houses, including global investment banks.

Technical Analysis Approach: This screener uses Ichimoku and a proprietary qualifier to quantify Daily/Weekly/Monthly chart action into a percentage.

How does it help you?

Expert Stock Valuations stack odds in your favor

Maximize Profits by zooming in and sorting out stocks with the most upside

Gain Unfair Advantage by quickly understanding smart money flows, without the need to read through 1000s of research reports

Advanced Insight through alignment of both fundamental and technical direction

“Our research aims to bridge the gap between fundamental and technical analysis with the goal of seeking alignment for high-probability trades,’ says the team that innovated this screener.

For more information, or a FREE Trial, kindly visit:

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That tool is far more powerful in terms of stock searches that combine fundamental and technical finance site for its stock and fund screener,

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