Stock that you should not BUY

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1 AKN Technology PN 17
2 ARK Resources Bhd PN 17
3 Axis Incorp Bhd PN 17
4 Ayer Molek Rubber Co 200 PN 17
5 Ban Eng Holdings Bhd PN 17
6 Baswell Resources Bhd PN 17
7 Gula Perak PN 17
8 Haisan Resources Bhd PN 17
9 Ho Hup Constn Co PN 17
10 Hovid Bhd PN 17
11 Ibraco Bhd PN 17
12 Jerneh Asia PN 17
13 JPK Holding Bhd PN 17
14 Linear Corp PN 17
15 Luster Inds Bhd PN 17
16 Maxbiz Corp Bhd PN 17
17 Metech Group Bhd PN 17
18 Mithril Bhd PN 17
19 Nam Fatt PN 17
20 Ngiu Kee Corp PN 17
21 NV Multi Corporation Bhd PN 17
22 Ramunia Holding Bhd PN 17
23 Satang Holding Bhd PN 17
24 Seloga Hldgs PN 17
25 Stamford College PN 17
26 Swee Joo Bhd PN 17
27 Syarikat Kayu Wangi PN 17
28 Tracoma Holdings Bhd PN 17
29 Transmile Group Bhd PN 17
30 TRIplc Bhd PN 17
31 Vastalux Energy Bhd PN 17
32 VTI Vintage Bhd PN 17
33 Bintai Kinden Corp Bhd high gearing (2x)
34 Bio Osmo Bhd high gearing (2x)
35 Boon Koon Group Bhd high gearing (2x)
36 ChangHuat Corp high gearing (2x)
37 D.B.E. Gurney Resources Bhd high gearing (2x)
38 FARMS BEST BHD high gearing (2x)
39 Global Carriers high gearing (2x)
40 Huat Lai Resources Bhd high gearing (2x)
41 Hytex Intergrated Bhd high gearing (2x)
42 KBB Resources Bhd high gearing (2x)
43 Kejuruteraan Samudra Timur Bhd high gearing (2x)
44 Kump Europlus Bhd high gearing (2x)
45 Lion Corporation Bhd high gearing (2x)
46 Metal Reclamation high gearing (2x)
47 P.A.Resources Bhd high gearing (2x)
48 Pan Malaysian Ind Bhd high gearing (2x)
49 Silk Hldgs Bhd high gearing (2x)
50 SMPC Corporation Bhd high gearing (2x)
51 Sumatec Resources Bhd high gearing (2x)
52 BCT Technology Bhd GN3
53 Carotech Bhd GN3
54 Connectcounty Bhd GN3
55 Ecofuture Bhd GN3
56 Fotronics Corporation Bhd GN3
57 H-Displays (MSC) Bhd GN3
58 HDM-Carlaw Corp Bhd GN3
59 Intelligent Edge Tech Bhd GN3
60 Kannaltec Bhd GN3
61 Mobif Bhd GN3
62 Tricubes Bhd GN3
63 Viztel Solutions Bhd GN3
64 Acorp Properties Bhd 3 Years Losses
65 Amtek 3 Years Losses
66 Ancom 3 Years Losses
67 Asia Pac Land 3 Years Losses
68 Astral Supreme Bhd 3 Years Losses
69 AT Systematization Bhd 3 Years Losses
70 Autoair 3 Years Losses
71 Borneo Oil Berhad 3 Years Losses
72 BTM Resources 3 Years Losses
73 Cybertowers Bhd 3 Years Losses
74 CYMAO Hldgs Bhd 3 Years Losses
75 Dataprep Holdings Bhd 3 Years Losses
76 Ecofirst Consolidated Bhd 3 Years Losses
77 Eduspec Holdings Bhd 3 Years Losses
78 Envair Holding Berhad 3 Years Losses
79 Equine Capital Bhd 3 Years Losses
80 Fast Track Solution Hldgs Bhd 3 Years Losses
81 FSBM Hldgs Bhd 3 Years Losses
82 FutuTech Bhd 3 Years Losses
83 Global Soft (MSC) Bhd 3 Years Losses
84 GPRO Technologies Bhd 3 Years Losses
85 Harvest Court Ind Bhd 3 Years Losses
86 Infortech Alliance Bhd 3 Years Losses
87 Ingenuity Solutions Bhd 3 Years Losses
88 Inix Tech Holding Bhd 3 Years Losses
89 Leweko Resources Bhd 3 Years Losses
90 Major Team Hldgs Bhd 3 Years Losses
91 Meda Inc Bhd 3 Years Losses
92 Mexter Technology Bhd 3 Years Losses
93 Minetec Resources Bhd 3 Years Losses
94 MLABS System Bhd 3 Years Losses
95 MMS Ventures Bhd 3 Years Losses
96 NWP Holdings Bhd 3 Years Losses
97 Oriented Media Grp Bhd 3 Years Losses
98 Pahanco 3 Years Losses
99 Palette Multimedia 3 Years Losses
100 Pansar Bhd 3 Years Losses
101 Pentamaster Corp Bhd 3 Years Losses
102 Permaju Industry Bhd 3 Years Losses
103 Petaling Tin 3 Years Losses
104 PJI Holdings Bhd 3 Years Losses
105 Quality Concrete 2ND 3 Years Losses
106 Sanbumi Holdings Bhd 3 Years Losses
107 Sarawak Consolidated Ind Bhd 3 Years Losses
108 Scan Associates Bhd 3 Years Losses
109 Stone Master Corporation Bhd 3 Years Losses
110 Supercomnet Technologies Bhd 3 Years Losses
111 SYF Resources Bhd 3 Years Losses
112 Takaso Resource Bhd 3 Years Losses
113 Tanco Hldgs 3 Years Losses
114 Teck Guan Perdana 3 Years Losses
115 TFP SOLUTIONS BHD 3 Years Losses
116 The Media Shoppe Bhd 3 Years Losses
117 Tiger Synergy Bhd 3 Years Losses
118 Timberwell Bhd 3 Years Losses
119 UDS Capital Bhd 3 Years Losses
120 United Bintang 3 Years Losses
121 Wawasan TKH Holdings Bhd 3 Years Losses
122 Widetech 3 Years Losses
123 Wijaya Baru Global Bhd 3 Years Losses
124 YGL Convergence Bhd 3 Years Losses
125 Yikon Corporation Bhd 3 Years Losses

Criteria : ( 3 years negative earnings before interest & tax and 5 years average return of equity <3% ) or ( net gearing > 200%)

Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd.
B-3-6 , Block B, Level 3 , Unit 6, Megan Avenue II,
No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwang seng
50450 Kuala Lumpur

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