Fitters Diversified 1Q earnings double to RM5.73m

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The auditor must kena fired.

So good company but delay in submit financial results.

KUALA LUMPUR: FITTERS DIVERSIFIED BHD []’s earnings rose 107% to RM5.73 million from RM2.56 million a year ago, boosted by its new palm oil extraction business.
It said on Thursday, May 12 revenue was RM102.74 million, up 193% from RM35.03 million. Earnings per share were 2.65 sen versus 1.29 sen.
Commenting on the revenue, it said the better performance was due to an increase of revenue from both manufacturing, trading division and CONSTRUCTION [], engineering and property division of the group on top of revenue generated from the new palm oil extraction business.
“The overall group profit before taxation increased by 145.2% to RM8.26 million from RM3.368 million. The increased in profit was due to the increased in the performance of the above mentioned division and the new palm oil business,” it said.

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