Gen M JA expiry

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Another expiry ha haha

Company Name
Stock Code / Short Name 4715JA / GENM-JA
Date & Time Announce 03/06/2011 5:06:00 PM
Subject Expiry of Securities

Type of Securities : Structured Warrants
Type of Structured Warrants : CBLC
Whether CBLC is terminated upon Mandatory Call Event (MCE) triggered? : No
Exercise/ Strike/ Conversion Price : MYR 2.5500
Exercise/ Conversion Ratio : 5 : 1
Call Price for CBLC : MYR 2.7000
Settlement Type : Cash
Last Date & Time for Trading : 29/06/2011 05:00 PM
Date & Time of Suspension : 30/06/2011 09:00 AM
Last Date & Time for Transfer into Depositor's CDS a/c : 04/07/2011 04:00 PM
Date & Time of Expiry : 04/07/2011 05:00 PM
Date & Time of Delisting : 05/07/2011 09:00 AM
Remarks :
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