Kijang Emas

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Some say buy kijang emas is better than gold passbook.

Where to buy?

Maybank or UOB ( Gold Maple Leaf)

1) maybank (spread smaller abt 3.8%)
2) uob bank  (spread bigger abt 4.1%)

p/s: spread = (Selling price - Buying price) in percentage

History Price for kijang emas:

ate 1 oz 1/2 oz 1/4 oz
Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying
1/7/2011 4,799 4,613 2,445 2,306 1,245 1,153
4/7/2011 4,744 4,559 2,417 2,280 1,231 1,140
5/7/2011 4,765 4,581 2,428 2,290 1,236 1,145
6/7/2011 4,837 4,650 2,464 2,325 1,255 1,163
7/7/2011 4,878 4,690 2,485 2,345 1,266 1,172
8/7/2011 4,868 4,679 2,480 2,340 1,263 1,170
11/7/2011 4,908 4,718 2,500 2,359 1,273 1,180
12/7/2011 4,988 4,794 2,541 2,397 1,294 1,198
13/7/2011 5,029 4,834 2,562 2,417 1,305 1,209
14/7/2011 5,069 4,870 2,583 2,435 1,315 1,218
15/7/2011 5,060 4,864 2,578 2,432 1,313 1,216
18/7/2011 5,103 4,903 2,600 2,451 1,324 1,226
19/7/2011 5,115 4,917 2,606 2,458 1,327 1,229
20/7/2011 5,052 4,858 2,574 2,429 1,311 1,214
21/7/2011 5,073 4,877 2,584 2,438 1,316 1,219
22/7/2011 5,031 4,837 2,563 2,418 1,305 1,209
25/7/2011 5,099 4,902 2,598 2,451 1,323 1,225
26/7/2011 5,081 4,884 2,588 2,442 1,318 1,221

What is kijang emas?

Malaysia is the 12th country in the world to issue its own gold bullion coin. The Kijang Emas now joins the ranks of other international gold bullion coins.
The design of the obverse of the Kijang Emas depicts a barking deer ("kijang") in its natural habitat in the Malaysian jungle. The reverse side features the hibiscus, the national flower of Malaysia.
1 Troy ounce
Kijang Emas RM200
Face value: RM200
Gold Purity: 99.99%
Standard weight: 31.105g
Diameter: 37.00 mm

1/2 Troy ounces 1/4 Troy ounces
Kijang Emas RM100 Kijang Emas RM50
Face value: RM100
Gold Purity: 99.99%
Standard weight: 15.550g
Diameter: 28.00 mm
Face value: RM50
Gold Purity: 99.99%
Standard weight: 7.780g
Diameter: 22.00 mm

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