Jerneh Asia - good news

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Jerneh today Closing price RM 1.36 and RM 0.40 for warrant.

Kuok Brothers launched take over offer for Jerneh Asia

The Company wishes to announce that it has today received a notice of voluntary conditional take-over offer (“Notice”) from AmInvestment Bank Berhad ( a member of AmInvestment Bank Group) on behalf of Kuok Brothers Sdn Berhad (“KBSB” or the “Offeror”) to acquire the following :-

a) all the remaining ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in JAB (“JAB Share(s)”) not already owned by the Offerer;

b) all the new JAB Shares which may be issued prior to the closing of the offer arising from the exercise of the outstanding warrants 2007/2012 (“Warrants”); and

c) all the remaining Warrants not already owned by the offerer (“Offer Warrants”),

for a cash consideration of RM1.45 per JAB Share and RM0.45 per Offer Warrant.

A copy of the Notice is attached herewith and will be posted to the shareholders and warrant holders of JAB within seven (7) days from the date of this announcement.

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