Renovation quotation

A) Car pouch 20 x 25 ft

Hacking and lay floor tiles - RM 4.5 k ( If 2"x1" add RM 500) Chinese contractor but indonesia workers

Indonesia boss: Quote me RM 2.2k for labour charge +sand +cement+ tile adhesive + susu  + skirting
You may choose 1"x1" homogeneous tiles or porcelain tiles ( RM 1.50 to RM 2.50); 
2" x 1" tiles (price RM 5 to RM 7)
Include Cement RM 17 per bags (need about 15 packet) = 255
Tile Adhesive gam RM 20, (5 packet) = 100
Latex admixture (Susu) RM 150 ( 1 tong, 25L) = 150
Sand - 1 lorry RM 300 = 300

As a reference from lowyat forum:
This is his quotation : labour include material.

A. 1'x1' tiles = RM3.50 = 3.50/psf
B. 1'x2' tiles = RM6.00 = 3.00/psf
C. 2'x2' tiles = RM7.00 = 1.75/psf

another:  Website :


There are 2 different methods to installing the floor tiles. 
- Dry Method. Cement screed the floor to the required level. Then install the floor tiles.
Pro: Better level control
Con: Slower and it involves additional process

- Wet Method. Cement screed the floor and at the same time install the floor tiles.
Pro: Better bonding of floor tiles & faster.
Con: Need better skill to ensure the good finishing.

B) Kitchen extension 20 x 6 ft

1) Construct RC footing (2ft x 2ft) , stump, column, beam support - RM 4600
2) Timber support and cement tiles roofing, PVC gutter and down pipe RM 3500
3) MS door frame and aluminium windows 4x6 ft RM 780 ( Sipeh expensive, window only RM 15 per sq ft, RM 360 nia meh for windows, RM 420 for door frame meh???
4) Wall tiles (8 ft x 20 ft) and floor tiles (20 ft x 6ft) RM 2200
5) Brick wall and cement plaster ceiling  RM 3800
6) Painting external wall RM 550
Total: RM 15430.00

Limpeh ask Indonesia worker and above only cost me RM 8 k nia for kitchen extension.

For car pouch, still thinking, want to see how good is the wall tiles 1st before decide.

I will update with some photo soon.

If your house water pressure low, you can do two things, install a pump or do bypass.


Some photo on my renovation:

1) Remove the original ceiling and add plaster ceiling. Wall with white colour tiles.

 2) Wall not yet tiles.
 3. Wall partially tiles. Move the paip for washing machine.
 4. Ceiling not yet covered with plaster ceiling.
 5. My steel door. Use back existing one.

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Hi, my new house are looking for contractor to do plaster ceiling and hacking for my master bedroom. Can u email me the Indonesia boss number to me? my email add is . thank u very much^^

Hi i am about to renovate my house. can i hv the indon worker contact also

Can I have the indon worker contact?

My email :

Thanks in advance

Can i have the indon contact as well
My email

Can I have the indon worker contact?

My email :

Thanks a lot


can i have the indon worker contact also?

Bro, can share me those contact you have, and any additional information, my email

Pls email me his contacts. Thanks

Hi, thx for ur info.
Can I have ur Indonesia contact num too?
Pls email me
Thxs in advance

Sori, I mean ur Indonesian worker. Thxs

Thank you for the information.

Can i have the indo worker contact number?

Thank you.

Can i have the indo worker number? Ty.

Hi can i have the indon worker contact too? my email:

Hi can i have the indonesian worker's contact number too? Tqvm

Can I have the indonesia boss contact.. my email is . Tq

Hi, can I have the indon worker boss contact too? E mail :
Thank you

Hi there, may i have the indon worker contact as well?
My email:
Thanks in advance.

Hi there, may i have the indon worker contact? Thanks in advance..
My email:

I am interested to have the Indon worker contact too, please send to Thanks.

Please email me if you want contact, my email is

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Great article. For more information on Floor Tiles Fixing Visit Roff India.,