Johnson's Baby "Baby of the Year 2010" Contest

Last year I took part in this contest but apa pun tak ada. This year I will take part again. Now until 31 Aug 2010 (Tue)
Take part in the Johnson's Baby "Baby of the Year 2010" Contest and stand a chance to win:

 1st Prize: - RM15,000 cash - Appearance on parenting magazine covers - Johnson's Baby Hamper worth RM1,500 - The Picture Company 1 year membership, a Personalised Photo Book and a 5" x 7" Portrait Gift Certificate (total value RM980)

 2nd Prize: - RM8,000 cash - Johnson's Baby Hamper worth RM1,000 - The Picture Company 1 year membership, a Personalised Photo Collage Name Board and 5" x 7" Portrait Gift Certificate (total value RM830)

 3rd Prize: - RM5,000 cash - Johnson's Baby Hamper worth RM750 - The Picture Company 1 year membership, a (3x) 8" x 10" Portraits and Portrait Gift Certificate (total value RM614)

 Finalist Prize x 7: - RM1,000 cash - Johnson's Baby Hamper worth RM200 - The Picture Company 1 year membership and 5" x 7" Portrait Gift Certificate (total value RM380)

 Semi-finalist x 10: - RM500 cash - Johnson's Baby Hamper worth RM150 - The Picture Company 1 year membership and 5" x 7" Portrait Gift Certificate (total value RM100)

 To participate, purchase any Johnson's Baby products, prepare 2 photos (3R and 4R size, close-up shot of your baby's face and full-body shot) and submit your entry online, via mail or in-store (check website for in-store photography). Terms and conditions apply. Visit website for more details. (This information was published in July 2010)

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