Amfirst Reit OR - right issue tomorrow listing

Basically if the OR listed below 20 cents, sapu.

Why? conversion is 0.83. If you buy at 0.18 = 0.95   1.01 mother 1.05 (today closing price)

Aiyo my reader is correct 1.01, me mimpi, ha haha


AmFIRST REITAnnouncement date: June 22, 2012
Lodgement date: July 10, 2012
Renounceable rights issue of 257,400,600 new units in AmFIRST Real Estate Investment Trust (AmFIRST REIT) at an issue price of RM0.83 per rights unit on the basis of three rights units for every five existing units in AmFIRST REIT held.