Genneva Scam oh Genneva Scam - management view

To all our Customers and Consultants, we say "Thank You".
Thank you for your support and trust during this challenging time. We are proud of each and every one of you. You have shown us that we are one big family. United we stand!
As all of you know, we are in a business that is not regulated. Accordingly our name was included in the "Alert list" published by Bank Negara Malaysia.
Since inception we have approached the relevant authorities including Bank Negara Malaysia, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumerism to regulate gold trading in Malaysia.
Last November, Bank Negara Malaysia ordered us to provide them with the details of our business, our consultants and our customers. After months of investigation, Bank Negara Malaysia found no wrongdoing. They requested us to inform the public through advertisements in the newspapers of our business and status. We complied with their request.
We sought the assistance of Syariah experts and legal advisers. Pursuant to their advice we revised and improved our Standard Operating Procedures to comply with the laws and the Syariah principles.
We have at all times fulfilled our obligations towards all of you.
The press has created confusion in the minds of the public as to the true nature of our business. The authorities claim that our business is not sustainable. We stand firm to correct them.
GENNEVA MALAYSIA is not an investment company. Our business model is not a "Ponzi" scheme.
We are dealing in straightforward buying and selling of Gold. We offer no buy-back guarantee. We offer no guaranteed returns. Simply because we have been buying-back the Gold and offering handsome ‘hibah’ payments do not make our operations illegal.
Following the raid led by Bank Negara Malaysia on 1" October, 2012 all the assets including bank accounts of the Company and its directors have been frozen. Bank Negara Malaysia has seized all the stock of Gold and cash. They have also seized all the documents and records of the Company. Thus GENNEVA MALAYSIA is crippled.
We have approached the highest authorities and our leaders to provide explanation of our operations. No director has run away. Why should we — we are innocent. We are operating a legitimate business benefiting more than 60,000 Malaysians — Malaysians of all races.
We have trust and faith in our leaders. We are sure that they will in all their wisdom see the righteousness in GENNEVA MALAYSIA.
Our faith and hard work will pay off. We are at the edge of success. We stand as one and infonn the Government that we are truly "1 Malaysia". We are "1 GENNEVA MALAYSIA".

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