Novi Amelia - Indonesia model knock down 7 people


Novi Amelia, who hit seven people while driving intoxicated in nothing but her underwear in Hayam Wuruk, West Jakarta, apologized to the public on Wednesday.

“To all Indonesian people: I, Novi Amelia, deeply apologize for the accident that happened on Thursday [Oct. 11],” she told journalists at Bhayangkara Said Sukanto police hospital.

Wearing a long sleeve red shirt with black stripes, Novi said that she was sorry for her deviant behavior and driving half-naked.

“I know I drove the car recklessly and went out without wearing a polite dress,” she said. “It was unexpected and unintentional.”

Novi, a model who appears in adult male magazines, said that it was out of her control when she decided to drive while only wearing a bra and underwear.

A team of doctors at the hospital said, as quoted by, that she is suffering from mental illness. Doctors have scanned her head in order to find out if a potential brain injury caused her peculiar behavior. They concluded that her mental issues were not caused by addictive substances but by strictly psychological problems. It is confirmed by her old medical records that she has a history of mental illness.

“The symptoms are hallucinations and feeling depressed,” Henny Riana, head of the psychiatric unit of the hospital, said on Tuesday.

The young model, who lives in an apartment in Central Jakarta, hit seven people, including two police officers trying to stop her. When she was pulled from her car, she was hysterical, screaming at people as she was taken to a nearby police station for questioning.

When she was finally pulled from her car, she was dressed in only her undergarments.

Police later said medical tests came back positive for alcohol and ecstasy, indicating that she consumed the drug within the previous three days.

After leaving Bhayangkara hospital, Novi was brought to a rehabilitation center owned by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Lido, Bogor.

“My condition today is better, and starting today I will join rehabilitation clinic,” she said.

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