Broadband comparison

My house broadband really beh tahan now,

Sipeh slow....

Should I change to UNIFI or any other alternative which is BELOW RM 100, and UNLIMITED.

Below are some comparison:

Quick Comparison of non-FTTH Providers’ entry level offerings:

PlanSpeed (Mbps)Quota (GB)Monthly FeeContract Period24-mth Total for Wifi/Mifi
P1 ToGo 3912RM396 monthsRM1,136
Yes Super Postpaid Super 48201.5RM4824 monthsRM1,152
Streamyx 512kbps0.512UnlimitedRM6612 monthsRM1,757
U Mobile 42Mbps Mobile Broadband MB 68425RM6812 monthsRM1,882

Quick Comparison of FTTH Providers’ entry level offerings:

ProviderPlan NameSpeed (Mbps)Quota (GB)Monthly Fee (RM)Total Cost over Comparison Period (RM)
AstroB.yond IPTV Broadband TF33Unlimited128.00RM3,072.00
TIMETIME Fibre Unlimited Home Broadband 8 Mbps8Unlimited129.00RM3,096.00
AstroB.yond IPTV Broadband TF6 (Promo)10Unlimited148.00RM3,552.00
AstroB.yond IPTV Broadband TF66Unlimited148.00RM3,552.00
TMUniFi VIP 55Unlimited for now (60GB)149.00RM3,576.00
MaxisHome Fibre Internet 10M10Unlimited for now168.00 (148.00 for existing Maxis postpaid line customers)RM4,032.00 (3,552.00 for existing Maxis postpaid line customers)
* Maxis and Unifi download quota is currently not in effect (as of September 2012).


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