SexcussionsAlvivi oh SexcussionsAlvivi

Former National University of Singapore law scholar Alvin Tan Jye Yee and his girlfriend Vivian Lee are back in the public eye. This time, though, they are talking about sex rather than showing themselves doing it.

The Malaysian sex bloggers, who sparked furore on both sides of the causeway last October when their joint blog showing explicit pictures of themselves went viral, have launched a video channel on YouTube called "SexcussionsAlvivi".

In the first episode put up on 7 January this year, the pair dubbed "Alvivi" face the camera shirtless in bed and talk about how to get laid like a pro.

They have published three episodes so far with the first one garnering more than 18,000 views as of Wednesday morning.

On their channel, they explained they have come out with the weekly show to talk about "anything and everything related to sex" as they feel that "sex is extremely important yet under-discussed, especially sexual health, sexual identity, sexual morality, and of course sexual happiness".

"Thus we hope to inspire Malaysians and Singaporeans to open up more not just on sex but also other issues close to heart," they said.

Tan,24, lost his NUS scholarship following the scandal over his joint sex blog with Lee. The duo also shut down their blog after family pressure.

Singapore Education Minister Heng Swee Keat said Tan's actions were "reprehensible and unbecoming of a scholar".

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