EPF money to purchase a house

Recently I want my wife to buy a condominium for investment purpose. So I think the best choice is to take out some money from EPF since EPF so poor performance.

EXAMPLE 1 (Individual Purchase)

Encik Sallehuddin purchased a house costing RM75,000.00 and obtained a housing loan of RM60,000.00. He has an EPF savings of RM18,000.00 in Account II. Therefore the amount of savings he can withdraw is :
Price of The House
RM   75,000.00
Housing Loan
RM   60,000.00
Difference Between Price of The House and Housing Loan
RM   15,000.00
Additional 10% of The Price of The House
RM     7,500.00
Amount Eligible For Withdrawal
RM   22,500.00
Balance in Account II
RM   18,000.00
Amount That Can Be Withdrawn
RM   18,000.00

Since the balance in Account II is only RM18,000.00 which is less than the amount that
he is eligible to withdraw i.e. RM22,500.00, Encik Sallehuddin can only withdraw RM18,000.00.

EXAMPLE 2 (Individual Purchase Without Housing Loan)

Encik Amirul purchased a house costing RM125,000.00. He did not take any housing loan to purchase the house. He has paid RM35,000.00 to the developer. His savings in Account II is RM60,000.00.
Price of The House
RM   125,000.00
Housing Loan
Difference Between Price of The House and Housing Loan
RM   125,000.00
Additional 10% of The Price of The House
RM     12,500.00
Amount Eligible For Withdrawal
RM   137,500.00
Balance in Account II
RM     60,000.00
Amount That Can Be Withdrawn
RM     60,000.00

Since Encik Amirul has only RM60,000.00 in Account II, he can only withdraw all of his savings in Account II.

EXAMPLE 3 (Joint Purchase)

Encik Amir and Puan Syuhada purchased a house costing RM100,000.00 and they obtained a housing loan of RM100,000.00. The total savings in Account II for Encik Amir is RM9,000.00 and for Puan Syuhada is RM3,600.00.
Price of The House
RM   100,000.00
Housing Loan
RM   100,000.00
Difference Between Price of The House and Housing Loan
Additional 10% of The Price of The House
RM     10,000.00
Amount Eligible For Withdrawal By The Couple
RM     10,000.00
Balance in Account II of Encik Amir
RM       9,000.00
Balance in Account II of Puan Syuhada
RM       3,600.00
Amount That Can Be Withdrawn By Encik Amir
RM       9,000.00
Amount That Can Be Withdrawn By Puan Syuhada
RM       1,000.00
Total Amount That Can Be Withdrawn By The Couple
RM     10,000.00

Since both members obtained 100% housing loan, the total amount eligible to be withdrawn by the couple is only 10% of the price of the house, i.e. RM10,000.00. The EPF will firstly process withdrawal application from Encik Amir amounting to RM9,000.00 plus dividend and followed by withdrawal application from Puan Syuhada to make up the amount not exceeding RM10,000.00.
EXAMPLE 4 (Purchase Of A Housing Lot And Building A House Simultaneously)

Encik Nasaruddin purchased a piece of land costing RM80,000.00 on 1st January 2002 and obtained a loan of RM70,000.00. On 1st May 2002, he has signed an agreement to build a house on that land with construction cost of RM200,000.00. He has obtained a housing loan of RM100,000.00 to build the house. The calculation for withdrawal by Encik Nasaruddin is as follows :
Price of The Land
RM     80,000.00
Construction Cost of The House
RM   200,000.00
Total Construction Cost of The House and Price of The Land
RM   280,000.00
Total Loan To Purchase The Land and To Build The House
RM   170,000.00
Difference Between Construction Cost of The House and Price of The Land with The Total Loan
RM   110,000.00
Additional 10% of The Price of The House
RM     28,000.00
Amount Eligible For Withdrawal
RM   138,000.00
Balance in Account II
RM   150,000.00
Amount That Can Be Withdrawn
RM   138,000.00

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