7 steps to prepare for career change

Much has been written about how one can be prepared professionally for next changes. Here are some pointers, which I’ve adapted from Korn/Ferry Institute publications.
1) Gain self awareness: “Self-Knowledge is the foundation upon which you can build self-confidence and success” – Dr Kevin Gazzara suggests. To get ahead, one needs to recognise your personal and professional strengths. Awareness makes us better leaders. You will be honest about your weak spots and will be able to work on them to better yourself to be ready for your next stage of growth.
2) Develop a posse of inspiration: Surround yourself with positive, successful people who have progressed in life. Some even look for mentors who can share their personal experiences for success.
3) Equip yourself with better qualifications: I’ve heard many arguments that there are just too many MBAs in the market, thus diluting its benefit. These comments are normally from those who sit on the sidelines complaining, while others progress. Like it or not, arm yourself with additional professional credentials, MBA or other pos-graduate qualifications, even via part-time programmes. This complements the years of on-the-job experience whilst broadening your knowledge.
4) Deliver excellence, speak up and gain recognition:Sounds a bit like a “motherhood statement,” but there’s no doubting exceptional performance that goes beyond what is expected sends a message to higher-ups that you are dedicated and have solid work ethics. To get noticed, you need to be heard and seen.
5) Polish your interpersonal skills: There are many fine examples of leaders who are polished speakers. They take extra efforts to enhance this skill. Some even engage personal coaches; some benefit from public programmes like Toastmasters International.
6) Be a risk taker: Another point for debate. In the business world, there are those who stagnate at their job and those who excel. In an environment that is constantly changing, one may need to take calculated risks to stay ahead of the game. This also encourages you to push beyond your comfort zone in order to learn, grown, build self-confidence and succeed.
7) Balanced perspectives of life – faith in the Almighty:Personally, I take this as being No. 1 on my list. Work hard and be sincere towards achieving what you desire in life, without forgetting that all is destined by the Almighty.

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I think the biggest preparation is to get out of the comfort zone. When one get used to a situation, I think many will confront difficulties to change. This happen to me too, I am a teacher for four years and now feel so comfortable since pay is quite high plus job security is very high. Even though I finish my MBA, I found little reason to quit teaching.