Finally privatize....

It will offer to pay RM3.55 for each IJM Land share it does not own, in the form of 0.5 IJM ordinary shares at an issue price of RM6.70 per share and 20 sen cash. 
IJM said RM3.55 is a record price for IJM Land and the offer price is equivalent to a 15% premium to the derived five-day volume weighted average market price of IJM Land shares up to and including June 5 and after adjusting for a single tier interim dividend of 6 sen per share in respect of the financial year ended 31 March 2014.  
It added the issue price of RM6.70 is at a 1% premium to the derived five-day volume weighted average market price of IJM shares up to and including June 5 being the last full trading day prior to the suspension in the trading of IJM shares. This was also after adjusting for a single tier second interim dividend and special dividend for financial year ended March 31, 2014 of 11 sen and 10 sen per IJM share respectively.  

怡保工程(3336)出尔反尔,今晚提出私有化子公司IJM置地(5215) !