My portfolio review oh My portfolio review

5 stocks that I am holding now:

1) YTLPower -wb - average price 0.63

Just declared 10 cents dividend, stock start to change trend. This is a mistake Buy and luckily not BYE.

2) CAP - average price 0.38

Recently have some news, going to Europe market through Germany joint venture and Dual Listing in Hong Kong.

Price recover from 0.30 onward.

3)  GOB - average price 1.015
Property play.

4) Nexgram -wc - average price 0.06

Penny stock play.

5) WCT-wc - average price 0.444

Construction play.

I welcome all comment.

Up to date, Portfolio have achieved this year TARGET of 10% return which I set beginning of the year.

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All few months play? Punting strategy ?

KLSE kaki,

see the market lah, hard to decide but ytlpower wb and gob plan to keep > 1 year. But may change anytime.

REIT I keep in margin account, currently hold YTLREIT and UOA Reit.


for longer term can try KMLOONG and HIL

Ck5354, not to forget, big thanks for your regular trademark emails "oh, .."

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