EPF Unit Trust fund oh EPF Unit Trust fund

Recently I would like to swap my EPF investment fund.

Currently I am holding RHB-OSK Growth And Income FocusTrust fund.

From the chart below, KENANGA GROWTH FUND is better. Should I swap or not?

Technical Indicators (optional) 
A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is the average of the previous n closing stock prices. For example, a 20-day SMA of a stock is the average of its closing prices over the past 20 days. While a SMA is unable to predict new market trends, it is capable of confirming trends that have already been established. The period of the SMA selected usually depends on the desired time horizon - 20 for short term, and 200 for long term observations.
Note: The tool is more relevant for analysing individual stocks or stock indices, but are of lesser relevance with respect to funds' NAV. Investors are advised to exercise caution and moderation in using them for investment decisions.
ValuesRHB-OSK Growth And Income FocusTrustKenanga Growth FundEastspring Investments MY Focus FundEastspring Investments Small-Cap Fund20062007200820092010201120122013201420151002003004000500600fundsupermart.comClick and drag in the plot area to zoom in

Fund Name
Annualised Returns
3 yr Annualised VolatilityMin NAVMax NAVCurrent NAV
RHB-OSK Growth And Income Focus Trust15.155%11.670.37950.91790.4616
Kenanga Growth Fund17.2595%10.150.73242.25361.0340
Eastspring Investments MY Focus Fund24.9901%12.990.38730.91350.8860
Eastspring Investments Small-Cap Fund16.4899%17.520.55122.00060.6413

Min, Max and Current Nav figures shown are not dividend adjusted
Performance comparisons with indices are in RM.
The performance figures are calculated using bid-to-bid prices and any dividends are reinvested.
Fund performance is not available for funds with a history of less than one year


It is rather uncommon to use the SMA indicator on unit trust.

To my knowledge, Kenanga Growth Fund and Eastspring Investment Small Cap are leaders in their respective categories. They are both winners of Morning Star Awards recently. But, these two funds are invested in Malaysian equities only. On account of performance, return and preservation, both are worthy recommendations.

The question of to swap or not to swap depends on whether your current fund is performing or underperforming. In my opinion, if it's underperforming for prolonged period, there is a good reason to switch to another fund to consolidate our positions.

In times of volatile global market, there is a confluence of political, regional, global financial, macro-economic factors at work which determines which equity funds perform or underperform.

These confluence of variables are indicators to enable us to make calculated decisions on using which unit trust instruments to serve our investment goals.

From my personal experience, I am taking a strong position in PB China Pacific Equity Fund which is performing. With China's visionary economic model OBOR (One Belt, One Road) initiative and the establishment of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and AEC (Asean Economic Community), great growth potential is imminent in the Asia Pacific and Asean regions. I am confident that this PB China Pacific Fund will fulfill my investment goal.