Kelisa Car Air Cond Service oh Kelisa Car Air Cond Service

My wife complain that her kelisa car air cond not cold.

When car stop, air cond not cold.

So I go to Semenyih, my usual mechanic to check it.

So service the air cond, total:

Expansion Valve - RM 78
Receiver Drier - RM 68
Top up gas R134 - RM 60
Oil Treatment - RM 50
A/C Service Checking - RM 80
Wiper (Back mirror) - RM 10
Plug (3 biji) - RM 38
Gear Oil Eneos ATF fluid (210961 - another 20 k have to change) 1 Liter x 32 x 2 bottles = RM 64

Total damage: RM 451.00

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