Perodua Myvi Car Maintenance oh Perodua Myvi Car Maintenance

I just sent my car myvi for normal engine oil maintenance.

Bought this at RM 72.50

Wah, it about 1 year. What did I do?

1) Air Filter - RM 19
2) Cabin Air filter - RM 15
3) Oil Filter - RM 15
4) NGK Spark Plug RM 55
5) Radiator Coolant 4 litre RM 65
6) Bumper Clip - RM 2
7) Oil Treatment air cond - RM 55
8) Workmanship RM 30

Total damage: RM 256

Let's check how much online sell:

Air Filter Lazada - RM 15 to RM 20

Cabin Air Filter: RM 12.30 + RM 4 delivery
Oil Filter - RM 7
NGK spark plug RM 40 to RM 55

Radiator Coolant - RM 50

Air Cond Oil Treatment:

Lazada Air Con Oil Treatment --- RM 18 only but no choice

So this shop is okay in term of price.

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