How to invest 100 k oh How to invest 100 k

Here are 5 different asset allocation I can think of:

Investment TypeBest For
Robo advisorsBroadly-diversified, hands-off investing
StocksHigher returns and a more controlled portfolio
Real estatePassive income
Peer-to-peer lendingHigh-risk/high-reward returns
SavingsSafety net or emergency fund

1) Robo advisors - I put in stashaway, I think in Malaysia you only have one.
2) Stocks - KLSE, I have 3 brokerage account: mplus, itrade by CIMB and maybank (nominee account).
Mplus - stock
Itrade - Future
Maybank - spare, seldom use
3) Real Estate - currently have 2 property. - bad experience not my cup of tea
4) P2P - fundingsocieties
5) Saving - FD - highest is Bank Rakyat

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