8 Easy Ways To Start Investing In Malaysia oh 8 Easy Ways To Start Investing In Malaysia

1. FD

FD now sipeh low, about 1.5% to 2 %, can forget about this, waste time and kill by inflation.

2. Unit trust

I use ifast and fsmone to invest in Unit Trust. This two platform have the lowest charge compare to other.

iFAST Capital | Wealth management solutions for the brave new world

My EPF investment is through IFAST.

Helping Investors Around the World Invest Globally & Profitably | FSMOne

My PRS investment is through FSMOne.

3. Investment Linked Policy

I have AIA investment linked policy.

4. Stocks and Shares

I have 3 brokerage account, namely:

a) Mplus (most active)

M+Online (mplusonline.com.my)

b) CIMB itrade
CGS-CIMB iTrade (itradecimb.com.my)

c) Maybank
Welcome (maybank2u.com.my)


I am using Hello Gold.

HelloGold - Gold Savings Made Easy

6. Robo Advisors

I am using Stashaway, exploring Syfe in future.

StashAway | Investing like it should be

7. Private Retirement Scheme

I am using FSMOne. Main objective invest in PRS for TAX relief.

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