Malaysia High Interest Saving account oh Malaysia High Interest Saving account

If you have extra cash and don't want to tight with FD, you may consider the following high interest saving account.

Major differentce: Alliance bank saveplus - no condition, only amount matters.

Other saving account need to DEPOSIT, SAVE, INVEST and SPEND only entitle.

Which one will you choose???

My 1st Choice is OCBC 360 *** follow by Alliance Save plus.

*** No, it is only applicable on the first RM100,000, when maintained consistently for the entire month. Amounts more than RM100,000 will only enjoy the base rate of 0.10% p.a.

1) OCBC 360 (3.10 % PA)

Ocbc 360
✅️Base Rate 0.1% PA
✅️Deposit min Rm500 to unlock 1% PA
✅️Pay 3 bills online unlock 1% PA
✅️Spend min Rm500 with your Ocbc Credit /Debit
Card to unlock 1%PA
Interest of 3.10% p.a. is applicable on your first RM100,000 balance and will be paid by the 14th business day (not including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) of the following month. Only one (1) account is allowed per customer and with a minimum deposit of RM500.
For more info refer it the Offical Website
🏦Ocbc 360

2) Standard Charted Privilege Savers Account (2.15% PA)

Better returns with Privilege$aver1 Secure higher earnings of up to 4.15% p.a. when you save, spend, and invest/insure during the month, from now till 31 January 2023. Unlimited fee waiver at all MEPS ATMs nationwide. Subject to minimum deposit of RM1,500 fresh funds during the month.

3) RHB SMART(2.85% PA)

4) Alliance bank Saveplus (up 2.75 %)

Account Balance (RM)Savings RateInterest Rate Payout
0 - 20,0000% p.a.Payout based on total
account balances
20,001 - 50,0000.95% p.a.
50,001 - 200,0001.55% p.a.
200,001 - 500,0002.60% p.a.
500,001 - 10,000,0002.75% p.a.
Above 10,000,0001.25% p.a.Payout based on split-tier
starting from the amount
above RM10,000,000

How the split tier works?

If your account balance is RM10,000,000, you will earn 2.75%p.a. for the full RM10,000,000 balance.

If your account balance is RM10,500,000, you will earn 2.75%p.a. for the first RM10,000,000 balance and 1.25%p.a. for the remaining RM500,000 balance.

SavePlus, the Best Everyday Digital Account | up to 2.75% p.a. - Alliance SavePlus Account | Alliance Bank Malaysia

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