Credit Card Miles Conversion oh Credit Card Miles Conversion

I saw this from facebook sharing group.

Hope it Help for those who aim for MILES.


1) CIMB TWE RM 1 = 1 miles 

2) Alliance VI RM 1.25 = 1 miles

3) Maybank premier reserve RM 1.4 = 1 miles

4) Standard Chartered Journey RM 2 = 1 miles

Personally I have Alliance VI.

1)CIMB Travel World Elite Mastercard. 每消费RM1=10 points, 每10000points 换1000 miles, 换算到来 RM1 = 1 miles. 坏处:月入两万以上才可以申请,年费一千多块,需要一年消费至少240千才可以waive.

2) Alliance Visa Infinite/ platinum. Ewallet or online spending RM1=8 points. 每10000points可以换1000miles. 换算到来RM1.25= 1 miles. 坏处: ewallet 8 points 每个月 capped RM3000.
3) Maybank premier 的amex reserve. RM1.4=1 miles. 除了马航可以换新航的krisflyer miles. 坏处:需要每年至少消费80千,不然年费RM800.
4)Standard Chartered 的 Journey card (旧名是 Worldmiles)餐厅,旅游还有海外消费 每消费RM2000 = 1000 miles, 相等于 RM2= 1 miles. 旅行社刷卡也算在旅行消费。Unlimited access to KLIA/KLIA2 longue (需要乘搭国际航班)。坏处:需要每年至少消费60千,不然年费RM600.
5) Hong leong bank sutera. RM1.5=1miles. (2023年7月1日开始严重贬值,RM3=1miles)