Changing lifestyle - this is what the Media encourage us to do.
I am driving a kancil car now. What to change?
I am comparing 3 shops before I buy my grocery. What to change?
I am using energy saving light bulb in my house. What to change?
I am not going oversea vacation nor local. What to change?
I am not a smoker. What to change?
I am eating at home and seldom go out and eat. What to change?
I am skipping toll if can. What to change?
I am staying at home more frequent already. What to change?
I even shit at my office and save the toilet paper. What to change?
I used to buy butter.
But now SCS butter cost me RM 8 when 6 months ago only RM 4.
Mamee used to be 1.99, now 2.39.
Darlie used to be 4.99 now 6.99.
Nescafe 3 in 1 used to be 5.99, now 7.99.
I buying TESCO brand now. What to change?
Milk used to be RM 20 and now RM 100. What to change?
I am using condom where I get free from Jabatan Perancang Keluarga. What to change?
My salary still the same. BLR going to increase soon. My house loans will kill me.
What can I do? Rob the Bank, I don't think so.
LOL! That was one nice posting.
ps. Love them pictures on your blog. Are you a camera kaki?
ps/ps added your blog link.
ps/ps/ps why are you using Darlie?
ps/ps/ps/ps Nescafe 3 in 1... mana ada 7.99?
ps/ps/ps/ps/ps Milk rm100??? Where is the lembu?
Very nice posting.
A refreshing change compared to your chats in my cbox.
You can write excellent articles.
Write from the heart.
Well done!
PS. Ya lar ... mana ada RM 100 milk :nuts:
Opposition party might make this into a song. quickly coptright it. Hahahahh...!
Milk RM100? Is it baby milk powder? It's really getting crazy man. Chaos!