I was in the dreaming stage when my wife wake me up in the 7am morning. She said she met an accident. So, I quickly wake up and look at my wife. I know she OK when she still can shout at me. So, we sent the malay man to look for Clinic. I mean 24 hours clinic. We manage to find one, but the DOCTOR only come in on 9 am. WTF!!!
Then no choice we have to wait for the earliest clinic which open on 8 am. Luckily the guy suffer nothing much injuries. The doctor only prescribe some paint killer medicine and it cost only RM25. Wah, so cheap.
After that, we send him to repair the motorbike. The mechanic in the shop say next time if have this kind of accident, just give them RM 50 or 100. Never never bring them to the mechanics. It cost us RM 136.
I thought everything is fine but the guy call us again to get some money. No Choice I have to give him RM 100. I should insist that I no money. But out of compassion I give him. The friend(indian) of this malay guy still minta "Duit Kopi". Why should I give him?
Now come back to my wife kelisa 02 car:
1) Bonet - RM 200
2) Bumper - RM 95
3 Workmanship - RM 100
Exclude painting. painting about RM 250.
Above is the best quoatation i get after visit 5 mudguard shop.
Should I do or not? Still waiting for more quotation before decide to do. I even go to auto parts dealer to find out the price.
I just want to thank God that my wife didn't suffer any injuries. Dear wife, money still can earn back.