Which one BETTER, Maybank or Public Bank?
No one is better, it is abt the same. If you have low starting capital then MAYBANK loh (5 gm for opening * 100 per gm = RM500, public bank abt 2k) but normally those invest in GOLD sure have a lot of money.
Details as follow:
•Joint account - maximum of 4 persons.
Features & Benefits
•999.9 Gold
Minimum purchase
•5gm for opening GSPA.
•Subsequent deposit/investment must not be less than 5gm.
To maintain a minimum balance of at least 1gm at all times.
Trading unit
•Minimum 5gms in multiples of 1gm
Service fee:
Withdrawal of physical gold is subject to conversion charge to cover the shipping and insurance. The fee is various and depending on total physical gold to be withdrawn. (VERY subjective, how much???)
Public Bank
•Joint account
Features & Benefits
• 999.9 Gold
Minimum purchase
•20gm for opening.
•Subsequent deposit/investment must not be less than 5gm.
To maintain a minimum balance of at least 2gm at all times.
Trading unit
•Minimum 5gms in multiples of 1gm
Service Fee
An annual fee of RM10 will be levied on the designated deposit account on the first day of the calendar year if the account balance is below 10gms as at year end.
For More Info: