Legal and loan fees to pay if you plan to buy a house

If you buy property valued at RM250K or below.Last year's budget allowed a 50% stamp duty exemption for the purchase of houses not exceeding RM250K.

The minimum tax savings that can be found here is RM2k and this exemption is given for one house per individual ad applies to sale and purchase agreements signed between Sept 2007 and December 2010.

Assume = RM260,000
Stamp Duty 1st RM100,000 X 1% = RM 1,000
RM160,000 X 2% = RM 3, 200
(Applying 50 % discount, you save RM 2100)
Legal Fees 1st RM 150,000 X 1% = RM 1,500
RM 110,000 X 0.7% = RM 770
Others- Transportation, Photostat, Runner, Petrol = RM1,000
Total = RM 7470

Loan Amount 90% of house price = RM234,000
Loan Legal Fees 1st RM 150,000 X 1% = RM 1,500.00
RM 84,000 X 0.7% = RM 588.00
Others = RM 500.00
Total = RM 2588.00

Total = RM 10058.00

Normally you can get about 30 % discount from your lawyer. It is a norm.

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