5 billion bond sale start today sukuk simpanan rakyat

Please go and take out all your FD and buy this bond. Guarantee 5 % return.

Key Features of Sukuk Simpanan Rakyat 01/2009
Name of sukuk
Sukuk Simpanan Rakyat 01/2009

Date of issuance
14 May 2009
(Sales period 14 April to 13 May 2009)

Allocation of sukuk
First-come first-served basis

Total sukuk size
RM2.5 billion

Sukuk type
Sukuk to be based on Shariah principles

Profit to investors
5 % per annum

Frequency of profit payment

3 years

Eligible buyers
Malaysian citizens who are 21 years and above

Minimum holding
Minimum holding per investor is RM1,000 at the point of sale and investors may purchase the sukuk in a multiple of RM100 e.g. RM1,100, RM1,200, etc.

Maximum holding
Maximum aggregate holdings per investor for the two series of Sukuk Simpanan Rakyat 2009 is RM50,000

Early redemption
Sukuk holders may redeem the sukuk at face value on and before maturity date, but not earlier than the first profit payment. The profit payments will be apportioned based on the number of days held
Minimum redemption amount allowed is RM100
The sukuk holders may redeem sukuk in multiples of RM100

Sales period
One month prior to the issuance date

Form of instrument

Agent banks
Commercial banks, including Islamic banks, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad, Bank Simpanan Nasional and Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad

Tax exemption
Returns on the sukuk to be exempted from tax

Transferability and assignability
The sukuk is non-negotiable, non-transferable and non-assignable
In the event of the death of the sukuk holder, the prevailing inheritance law will take precedence

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