Should I or Should I not

Why can't they waive for 10 years and must renew yearly????
I considering whether want to cancel or not.
Why I want to cancel?
1) Difficult to pay. I pay online and everytime charge me extra RM 1 for online transfer.
2) Cheated me a few time. - Airasia Citibank Card, Petrol Card.
1) A lot of promotion.
2) Accepted world wide.
3) Don't extra charge if use in oversea.
4) FOC for gift redemption.
I think use 1 more month after the 50 th Anniversary campagain then cancel loh.
Maybe I am lucky.
Currently I have:
1) Direct Access Master Card - use only for petrol - 2 % rebate
2) Alliance Bank - have rebate also.
Dear Mr CK5354 ,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 8/5/09 regarding annual fee waiver.

With regards to your e-mail, we wish to inform that we are not able to
waive 5 years of annual fees as the waiver is done on yearly basis only.
You may request for annual fee waiver on yearly basis and we will
forward to the relevant department for consideration.

Meanwhile, we have waived 1 year annual fee for this year. The next
annual fee will be billed in September 2010. Please charge your card 12
times over the next 12 months.

I hope that the information I have provided is clear. If you have any
inquiries please email us.

Thank you for using Citibank Online and have a nice day.

Amie Heryanie (Miss)
Internet Support Service, Citibank Berhad


yes cancel it. no need so many credit cards.

Having too many credit card not good anyway, keep it simple as too much card will hurt your credit rating also