Why Najib must call for GE-13 before end July

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Written by Selena Tay, Malaysia Chronicle Friday, 03 June 2011
There is a Chinese saying that if someone wishes you this: 'may you live in interesting times', it is more of a curse than a blessing.
Well, Malaysians are living in interesting times indeed. For those who are closely monitoring the political events, it has been non-stop action, drama, thrills and spills since March 2008.
Three years down the line, the speed of action has shown no signs of slowing down.
Instead, the drama promises to get more intense. Pundits say Prime Minister Najib Razak is certainly going to call for snap polls between the 3rd week of June and before the end of July!
There are several reasons for their view. But the main reason is that the noose is tightening around the BN's neck and Najib himself needs to consolidate his power within UMNO.
Noose tightens
Malaysia Chronicle checked with several Pakatan leaders and these are the top reasons they gave for early snap polls.
Problem No. 1 - The French Connection! Before Najib gets "french-fried" for the submarines deal made during his tenure as Defence minister, he must quickly call for the 13th General Election before the open court hearings begin in France.
Problem No. 2 - Besides the French, he has also got to deal with the Sodomy II trial where Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's lawyers have listed him and his wife Rosmah Mansor as key witnesses.
Problem No. 3 - Deputy Prime Minister  Muhyiddin Yassin. While they smile and appear chummy to each other in public, the undercurrents between their camps is growing stronger by the day. Even now, few UMNO members believe Muhyiddin won't challenge Najib for the presidency..
Problem No. 4. - Unexplained deaths of Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbaini, both at MACC premises. These two deaths are surely a blemish on his record and the last thing he needs during his tenure as a Premier who allegedly places great emphasis on KPI (Key Performance Index).
Problem No. 5 - Sex video is getting messy and has failed to achieve its purpose, which was to topple his nemesis, Anwar.
Problem No. 6 - Economy - rising prices, subsidy cuts, inflation - is getting out of hand and Najib has no answer.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Although the 58-year old Najib may not be losing any sleep over these problems, heavy indeed is the head that wears the crown.
Also, the UMNO warlords in his own camp are circling round him like vultures as they jostle for pole positions before the general election. Couple that with young Turks like Mukhriz Mahathir and Khairy Jamaluddin and their respective dad and dad-in-law all nipping at his heels, Najib is starting to fray at the seams and visibly so.
If he can somehow by hook or by crook get PAS to join BN, that will surely be his saving grace - a triumph for which he will be hailed as a Hero. Such a coup will take him out of the reach of sinister warlords like Mahathir Mohamad or even Abdullah Badawi.
The only strategic thing to do now would be to call for snap polls before the situation deteriorates and he knows it. If he delays any longer, the submarine deal is going to sink him!
Time is of the essence. He has to go for a quick kill even if not cleanly executed, political watchers opined.
Sneaky de-registration of PKR
Najib has also shown a sneaky side to his character.
He has been cunning enough to keep PKR and Anwar busy with court cases. Besides dealing with Anwar's Sodomy II Trial, PKR is also facing the threat of de-registration by the Registrar of Societies. June 8 is now the crucial date for the courts to hear PKR's attempt to strike out ROS show-cause letter.
If they fail, then June 9 may be the last date PKR stays in existence as that is the deadline given by the ROS.
Meanwhile, Najib is expected to launch a pre-emptive strike - he will strike at his enemies first before he is struck.
Where the French are concerned, he can do nothing. Thus, he will strike at the enemy which is perceived to be the weakest and that is the entire Pakatan Rakyat coalition. He hopes to keep Pakatan leaders busy with legal action and has ordered the mainstream media to continue attacking Pakatan even with 'false news'.
But there is also another thing which the PM may not have reckoned with.
Pakatan leaders are prepared for him.
GE coming very soon
Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin told Malaysia Chronicle that PKR and Pakatan are closely watching and anticipating his moves. They have planned their next course of action, she said. However, she declined to reveal what these are.
What is for sure is that Pakatan will not give him an easy time and will fight him tooth and nail till the end.
An exciting June month is certainly in store. Unpleasant and even tragic at times, there is nonetheless never a dull moment in the Malaysian political scene. Yes, we are living in interesting times indeed! -   Malaysia Chronicle



What 'services' did Perimaker provide again?
Jun 3, 11 8:25am

'When a company issues million-ringgit dividends, it's obvious the
corporation is just a shell for disbursing cash to its shareholders.'

Another Najib buddy tied to Scorpene scandal

Kit P: Perimeker issued dividends of RM56.2 million in 2009 (66 percent of
the turnover) and RM18.7 million in 2010 (81 percent of the turnover).

When a company issues dividends at that kind of level, it's obvious the
corporation is just a shell for disbursing cash to its shareholders. It
means the company has very limited or no real-life business operations worth
talking about, because if you have real operations, you incur significant

Come on, PM Najib Razak, what's the story again about the 'services' the
government paid Perimekar to perform?

Lim Chong Leong: Perimekar was formed with a singular goal in mind - to
siphon off RM500 million. These people claimed that Perimekar was paid for
maintenance services but former company director Lodin Wok Kamaruddin says
the contract was already completed when the subs were delivered. So after
the delivery of the subs, there's no need for maintenance?

There are inconsistencies at every corner and lies upon lies involving this
deal. But Najib is not involved, so we are to believe that elephants fly.

Pity him: The intricate web of deceit is slowly being dismantled. The RM500
million commission has gone to some individuals with government
connection/approval, supposedly for the defence of the nation.

Many of these beneficiaries probably live in huge mansions and own jet
planes, but one thing is for sure - the stolen wealth will forever be their

Bhajnik Singh: This is disgusting. We are talking of hundreds of millions
being disbursed to these people and for an alleged paltry sum of RM500,000,
Altantunya Shaariibuu was blown up? May God the Almighty send all involved
to hell.

Louis: Life is so easy if you have contacts with Najib. With the sale of one
submarine and one can live in luxury for the rest of one's life. On the
other hand, the poor have to work day in day out just to make ends meet. How
unfair the world is.

Najib asks us to sacrifice much of our small luxuries by using less
electricity, while he and his first lady go globe-trotting almost every
month. Can't they cut down their travels?

Similarly, the exorbitant commission that he dished out to his cronies could
have been used to finance the petrol subsidy so that we can afford to drive
our children for short local holidays.

Black Mamba: A defence minister whose job is to protect the nation turned
out to be the enemy from within, raiding our national kitty. National
resources are being used to buy submarines for the Navy with commission
allegedly paid out to the Armed Forces pension fund (LTAT) as a minority
shareholder of the procurement company. Very perplexing when interested
party is greased too.

Buffalo_Bill: Which right-thinking Malaysian believes our present the
government when they say they have no choice but to burden the rakyat with
increased petrol prices, electricity costs, etc?

Scorpene scandal: 'Show us your passport, Najib'

Dhammika: PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution will not get to see PM
Najib's passport for the year 2002. But there is still hope for the French
side to check on their immigration records to determine if Najib's entry and
exit were recorded there.

Lucia: Najib's travel/immigration records can be erased, just like they
erased the immigration records of Altantuya Shaariibuu. It's no point
checking for proof on Malaysia's side as they can always cover up
everything. We'll have to depend on the French for proof.

Anonymous: One thing that put Malaysia firmly in the rank of third world
countries is how its leader never have to account for his conduct. I don't
care if Najib is innocent or not - if he can't do the simple thing of
accounting for his conduct, then he is not fit to be a PM and should resign.

Geronimo: Najib, you can hide but you can't run away. The noose is slowly
tightening and if I were you, come clean and confess all your sins to the
Malaysian people.

Cala: Remember those days in communist China, the Gang of Four was literally
untouchable. They roamed towns and gave orders to whoever they pleased.
Together, they turned China upside down by sending doctors to distant farms
for re-education, and replaced them with young Red Guards to run hospitals.

Then what happened after Mao Zedong's death in 1976? The 'queen', Jiang
Qing, along with three of her cohorts was immediately arrested by the regime
under Deng Xiaoping. All were sentenced to death.

The moral of the story is - certain problems will take a longer time to

Subs affair: Najib's 'friend' must testify, says Suaram

Anonymous_5fb: Greed is the one that has gotten these people into trouble.
Abdul Razak Baginda and his wife, Mazlinda, should volunteer themselves to
reveal all, once and for all, before more and more people get implicated.

Confess, repent and seek for forgiveness from Altantuya and her family. As
it is now, the whole of Umno and Malaysia are being dragged into this
submarine scandal.

Meranti Kepong: "Payment of commissions on defence contract amounts to
corruption and in punishable under French law."

If the 'third person' turns out to be none other than Najib and that he is
proven to receive part of the commission, how would the French court order
him to face the music? I assume that the French authorities would inform
Malaysia's MACC but the anti-corruption commission is under the control of
Najib, so how would the sentence be carried out?

The best thing to do is for Parliament to ask Najib to quit his PM's post
and that he be subject to local laws. Create a precedent in this damning
case and Malaysians will believe that there is still law and order in the
country, not one law for the public and no law for the powerful.

Sarawakian_3ff9: In the 60s, there was a song which I forgot the title,
which goes like this: "They're coming to get you hahaa..., they're coming to
get you hehee...".

[d/loaded 3 June 2011]



Why should Malaysians be interested?

a.. The defence ministry has spent more than one billion euros or about RM
7.3 billion of the rakyat's money for the purchase of the two submarines,
which are reportedly of questionable quality. The first submarine, the KD
Tuanku Abdul Rahman could not sink in tropical waters, while the second
arrived more than 7 months after the scheduled date of arrival.
a.. Adding intrigue and mystery to this controversial deal was the
mysterious and horrifying death in 2006, by two policemen closely linked to
then deputy prime minister Najib Razak. The deceased is a Mongolian
national, believed to be a translator and mistress of Abdul Razak Baginda, a
political analyst, also closely linked to najib.
a.. C4 explosives were said to have killed her. This explosive is not
easily available in the market. It is available only in the Defence ministry
and normally used for demolishing buildings. Who issued the explosives to be
used and why? When Altantuya was killed, Najib was still the Defence

Who is Altantuya Shaariibuu?

a.. Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa (1978 - 2006), is a Mongolian national, who
was murdered brutally in Shah Alam Malaysia on the 19th October 2006, during
the month of Ramadhan.
b.. She worked as a translator for Mr. Abdul Razak Baginda, who is a
well-known political analyst, a close ally to Prime Minister Najib Razak.
c.. When Altantuya Shaariibuu was killed, Najib was the deputy prime
minister and defense minister.
d.. She was also a single mother with two young children below 10 years
e.. Her younger son has a rare brain disease and she was trying to earn
enough money to send him for a good medical treatment.
f.. Now both her sons are orphaned and they are taken care of by their
grandfather - Mr Setev Shaariibuu and his spouse in a village in Mongolia.
g.. Altantuya was recruited for the job because she was reportedly fluent
in Mongolian, Russian, Chinese, English, and some French. In fact prior to
this job, she has had some business dealings with Abdul Razak.
h.. Razak Baginda was at that time, a defense analyst from the Malaysian
Strategic Research Centre think-tank.

Who killed Altantuya?

a.. On 9 April 2009, the Shah Alam High Court meted out the death sentence
to two accused - policemen Chief Inspector Azilah Shaari and Corporal Sirul
b.. They had been members of the elite Unit Tindakan Khas (the Malaysian
Police Special Action Force or counter-terrorism unit) and were both
assigned to the office of the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who was
also the Defence Minister at the time of the murder.
c.. The duo were bodyguards of Najib who was then DPM. The trial took 159
days. Both policemen never knew Altantuya and until today, the questions
d.. What is their motive for killing her?
e.. Who ordered her killing?
f.. These questions were never answered. Another accused was Abdul Razak
Baginda, but he escaped the gallows and was released without his defence
being called.
g.. On 31 October 2008 the High Court acquitted Abdul Razak Baginda of
abetment in the murder of Altantuya, with the prosecution saying they would
appeal the acquittal. To date, the appeal has yet to transpire.

Where and how was she killed?

a.. Altantuya was murdered by large quantities of C-4 explosives, large
enough to bring down a four-storey building. The remnants of her body was
found in a jungle clearing in Puncak Shah Alam.
b.. C4 explosives is not the kind you can find in a 7-11 store or a
grocery store. In other words, it is not easily accessible. In fact, it is
learnt, that C4 explosives is only available if approval for its usage is
given by the Ministry of Defence.
c.. According to court testimony by one of her murderers, Altantuya was
first shot twice - one in her head and the other in her abdomen - before she
was strapped to the explosives which eventually blew her into pieces.

Altantuya was killed because she knew too much?

a.. That's what her dad Mr Shaariibuu said when he came to Malaysia in
2007 to attend her murder trial
b.. According to reports by the French newspaper Liberation, Altantuya
found out that one of the parties involved in negotiations, a Spanish
company Armaris, had paid out the commissions of 114 million euros for the
deal (reportedly one billion euros or RM4.7 billion for the purchase of
three submarines).
c.. The commission was credited into the accounts of a company controlled
by Razak, Perimekar.
d.. Subsequently, Altantuya, accompanied by her cousin, went to Kuala
Lumpur to ask for the portion of the commission due to her (allegedly
e.. Unfortunately, Altantuya never got her share.

Altantuya knew Najib?

a.. Najib had sworn on the Quran that he does not know 'the Mongolian
a.. BUT she was allegedly introduced to Razak Baginda at an international
diamond convention in Hong Kong by Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Najib
Tun Razak, and had a relationship with him.
a.. She accompanied Razak Baginda to Paris where she worked as translator
during his negotiations to purchase submarines from France for the Malaysian
a.. She reportedly became his mistress in Paris in 2005, and a photo of
the two with Najib Razak had been taken in a Paris nightclub.
a.. According to court testimony by Altantuya's cousin Burmaa Oyunchimeg,
Altantuya had shown Burmaa a photograph of 3 persons taking a meal together:
Altantuyaa, Razak Baginda, and a government official.
a.. When questioned by the lawyer of the victim's family, Karpal Singh,
Burmaa identified the official as then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun

Further allegations that Altantuya knew Najib

a.. In Jul 2008, a private investigator P Balasubramaniam made shocking
claims that Najib had links with the murder of Altantuya by informing Razak
Baginda that "inspector-general of police Musa Hassan would 'take care' of
the murder case which implicated Abdul Razak".
a.. He further revealed that his evidence linking Najib to the murdered
Mongolian was removed by the police and prosecutors during the murder
trial - a move seen to protect the DPM.
a.. These shocking revelations were made by Balasubramaniam in a statutory
declaration which he filed on July 1.
a.. Balasubramaniam was the PI hired by Abdul Razak to 'handle' Altantuya,
who had apparently come over to Malaysia in 2006 to settle some financial
issues with Abdul Razak.
a.. He retracted his SD the very next day, under duress, removing all
allegations related to Najib. Then he went missing.
a.. Recently, Bala surfaced in London, and claimed he was paid RM750,000
to retract his first SD and to disappear until Najib becomes PM. He claimed
he was paid by a carper dealer named Deepak, who is closely linked the
brother Nazir, and the former's wife, Rosmah Mansor.

Parliamentary Disclosure on the Submarines

a.. The two submarines (KD Tuanku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Razak) cost a
whooping 7.3 billion ringgit in total and not RM 3.4 billion as originally
announced. The figures escalated after factoring in maintenance and other
costs, not earlier made known.
a.. Maintenance contracts have yet to be issued.
a.. The delay of the purchase of the missiles.
a.. The delay in the purchase of missiles and torpedoes expected to be
delivered only in 2013.
a.. Overpricing of about 20% from the market rate amounting to an excess
of 36 million Euros spent.

The French Connection

a.. A team of French lawyers is seeking answers to how a company with
close ties to Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak managed to acquire a
?114 million (US$151.1 million) commission to buy two Scorpene subs and to
lease a third for US$1 billion as a result of a contract signed in 2002.
b.. They have come to Malaysia recently (in April) to collect evidence on
the case.
c.. In France, giving commissions to individuals or companies or
politicians is against the law.
d.. The French company involved is DCNS. DCNS is controversial in that it
has also been involved in other similar cases before - most noted - in
Pakistan and Taiwan - where murder has also occurred.
e.. Perimekar, the Malaysian company, was believed to have been
established in 2001, shortly before the submarine contract was signed,
solely to receive the commission to be able to pay kickbacks both in
Malaysia and France.
f.. The wife of Abdul Razak Baginda, the then-defense minister's (Najib)
best friend, was listed as the director of the company, which was owned by
g.. Recently, according to the French legal team, the money in Perimekar's
bank account seem to have migrated elsewhere. The question is where?

Why is SUARAM involved?

SUARAM is a human rights organization, and is known to speak out fearlessly
in defense of human rights, good governance and an open and accountable
society. For over 20 years SUARAM has worked to expose corrupt practices,
poor governance and champion the rights of people before profits.

SUARAM has been monitoring the scandal building not just surrounding the
mysterious and horrendous death of Altantuya Shariibu, but her role and
involvement in the procurement of arms for the Malaysian government, leading
to her gruesome murder.

On 23 December 2009, SUARAM through our networks in France linked up with
leading human rights lawyers in France, to file a complaint with the French
judicial system, with the hope that a preliminary investigation would be
initiated. This was done to enable access to information, to the government
contracts signed with PERIMEKAR and other information classified as
government secrets in Malaysia.

In April 2010, the lawyers representing SUARAM, informed us that the courts
had accepted the request to investigate the claim of corruption for a
payment amounting to Euro 114 million made as commissions from DCNS to
Perimekar. At this stage the investigations are still ongoing, and it may
take a few more months, for the findings to be made known, and for the
investigators to announce a decision as to whether there is sufficient
evidence to pursue a full trial at the next level of the courts.

SUARAM: - Launching of Ops Scorpene


MAHATHIR & NAJIB : "Et tu, Brute?"
Posted by Hussein abdul Hamid at Friday, June 03, 2011

With thanks to a very senior respectable MCOB.


· Mahathir told Najib that his weak link is not his wife but his
youngest brother Nazir Razak, the wonder banker who can do no wrong.
· Nazir sits on the EPF investment panel, and guess what? He has been
pushing for EPF to get involved in projects with his clients.
· All the while Azlan Zainol the big man at EPF is keeping silent
because he does not want to upset Najib and reducing his chances of getting
· But Azlan cannot hold his peace anymore.
· It is confirmed that Azlan will leave next year so he is telling
anyone who will listen and complaining about how Nazir has been using
Jibby's influence to push through investments important to CIMB and Nazir
while sitting on the EPF investment panel.
· Same story at Ministry of Finance. Datuk Puteh, Datuk Zulaikha and
the secretary-general of treasury Tan Sri Aziz have been conducting a
whispering campaign against Nazir and CIMB.
· They say they feel pressured to give CIMB all the MOF's business, the
latest being the rm800 million Sukuk Bonds.
· Whenever word spreads that MOF is thinking of spreading the business
to other banks, they get a call from Nazir or one of his guys at CIMB,
dropping big brother's name.
· With elections around the corner, Najib is courting disaster by making
civil servants angry at the growing influence of his brother.
· Worse still Nazir feels slighted by Dr Mahathir and has started a
campaign to discredit the former PM and block any investments from
Mahathir's cronies like Syed Mokhtar and Daim Zainuddin.
· To go to war with Dr Mahathir, he has the help of his good friend
Khazanah boss Azman Mokhtar.
· Azman will block Syed Mokhtar's bid for UEM and has also blocked
Daim's move to privatise PLUS.
· Nazir is upset Dr Mahathir blasted him for questioning the NEP.
· He is also upset that Mahathir has started digging up information on
the billions in fees CIMB has made in pushing deals at the expense of the
· At a meeting two weeks ago, Mahathir told Najib that Nazir was a weak
· Now Nazir is hitting back, funding a campaign to discredit Mahathir.
· He has hired international PR outfit to dig up dirt on Mahathir and
his son, Mokhzani.
· This has consequences for Najib because he may be old but Dr Mahathir
is a fighter.
· Now that Nazir is gunning after Dr Mahathir, there is nothing stopping
Dr Mahathir from unleashing hell on Nazir and his protector Najib. Let's us
all wait & see what happens next.

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