FundSupermart investment talk is organizing an event for our investors on this Saturday, 22 September 2012. This time, we have invited RHB Investment Management Sdn Bhd to give us an updates on Asian Bonds markets. You are cordially invited to join us.

Date : 22 September 2012 (Saturday)
Time : 9:45am – 1:30pm
Venue : KL Office, Level 28, Menara Standard Chartered.
            No 30, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 KL


9:45am – 10:00am 
10:00am – 11:00am 
"Introduction: The World of Asian Bonds,
Risk Versus Return Between Bonds,
Equities & Commodities &
Asian Bond Gaining Popularity”
+ “Why RHB Asian Total Return Fund"
Mr Shankar Panchadcharam,
Director, Retail Assets UOB Asset Management Ltd.
(representing RHB Investment Management Sdn Bhd)
11:00am – 12:00pm
"Invest Like a Pro III: Market Valuation –
Finding the Premiums and Discounts" Research Team
12:00pm – 12:30pm
Break. Light refreshments will be provided.
12:30pm – 1:30pm
Utilising FSM’s tools and services to
manage your portfolio efficiently and effectively Client Investment Specialist
What You Will Gain
Participants will not only gain market insights, but also the skills and knowledge on investing in general and also comparing and analysing the performance of unit trusts. Also, because of the numerous services we offer such as our transfer-in and rewards program, participants will also get a clearer picture of what we can offer as Malaysia’s premier online unit trust distributor.
FSM Referral Program
Sharing is caring. Should you think that your friends will benefit from our services, please invite them to this workshop to know more about us. You will receive a token for sales charge discount if your friends open an account during the event. To find out more about our FSM Referral Program, go to our website and click on MY INVESTMENTS (at the top panel) -> FSM Referral Program.
Submit Forms
You may submit transaction related forms and supporting documents relating to EPF, Transfer-In and other transactions during the event. Should you require specific forms, you may also inform us in order for us to prepare it in advance.
We look forward to meet you in the event.
Thank you and have a pleasant day.

Client Investment Specialist Team
Hotline: (03) 2149 0567

To Help Investors Around The World Invest Globally And Profitably.

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