How to retire early oh How to retire early

Below is a quick review:
  1. You can’t rely on passive compound growth to build your assets for early retirement because there is not enough time. You’ll want to apply one of the following three principles to step on the accelerator pedal and grow your assets faster: extreme frugality, active investing, or leverage. Combine all three to supercharge your asset growth and retire even faster.
  2. Inflation is the number one enemy of early retirees because it destroys assets over time – and early retirees have lots of time for the government to devour their savings through inflation. You must design your portfolio so that it’s protected from the ravages of inflation.
  3. Early retirees typically have different spending patterns from traditional retirees because they lead a more active life. You must budget appropriately to compensate for this higher expected spending level.
  4. Early retirees face a period without the base support provided by Social Security and Medicare. They must plan a “bridge budget” to compensate for this time period where income will be lower, and expenses higher.
  5. Early retirement requires you to build a perpetual income stream; your assets must last so long that essentially no principal can be spent – only income.
  6. Early retirement is all about lifestyle – not budgeting, income planning, and investing. Make sure you get a life beyond the pro-leisure circuit, because you are going to be living it for a very long time.
